
The ADVERSARY is the nemesis of the righteous, the good and the devout in the Western Faith. It has appeared in many forms to many souls throughout the centuries. It is heralded as the Great Serpent of Rhuani myth and the font of all corruption and darkness. For the Serpent seeks to bring Mankind low as it did when its children, the Dark Elder, were unleashed upon the world. The Western faiths look to their scripture to show that the Serpent’s first actions upon this world were to bring it into darkness so that the Dark Elder could stand over all.

The Adversary stands in the shadows of each of our hearts and calls us to be untrue to righteousness. The Great Serpent slithers through our lands and calls black-hearted fools to make compact with It in search of having their dreams realized. Witches and worse are Its mortal flock and they are a slow poison for Mankind.

The Adversary & Legion

Amongst the many cultures on the continent the Adversary features prominently despite being identified by many names and manifestations. The Aenari name it the Black Hunter or Black Prince, the people of the Midlands whisper of the Lord of Brass, the King-In-Shadows, the Charnel Prince and the Nameless Lord. And so on and on it goes they say, for the Adversary leads the Legion—an endless army of the Damned and demonics.

Cover image: by Andres Rios


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