Arddur of Carahan

Sworn Knight of Tralavar & Carahan

Ser Arddur of Carahan

At A Glance

Ser Arddur is in his early 30's and has been with Tralavar for over nine years. In that time, he is believed to have whelped enough children on common women as to crew his own ship. A cousin of southern nobility and an attractive one. He was raised as a man-at-arms though his father ensured he learned to ride and fight as well. His courtly acumen has been acquired through experience and many romantic conquests though he is known to avoid women of good standing despite their wealth.

Of good size and strength, he prefers the use of an axe in actual combat. He is considered an accomplished lute player although he rarely sings and leaves that to others in the audience.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ser Arddur has been a fixture at the Carahan court since his arrival. His good looks and manners ease his way into all sorts of situations and individuals. He has been loyal and rewarded by the Tralavars for his service. An unremarkable combatant nevertheless he has managed to stay in the good graces and circle of trust around Lord Mirren Tralavar.

In 49 ET, he requested and received permission to marry a commoner from Carahan. Unfortunately, the marriage was not a pleasant experience for either of them and it was severed less than two years later. Since then, Ser Arddur has boasted of his perpetual bachelorhood and often teases local knights who marry young or for love.

Respected Knight

Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Sworn Knight
Year of Birth
23 ET 36 Years old
Current Residence
Other Affiliations

Cover image: by Daniel Cortijos


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