Arydus Solaim

Lord Arydus Solaim

The LORD ARYDUS SOLAIM was sworn into his title in 8 ET. He was sworn in as the LORD SOLAIM in 8 ET at the age of twenty. In 14 ET, he answered the call of the Regent and his Eorl to travel north and push back the Highlanders probing south from USTAL. A year of hard skirmishing and ambushes taught him the harshness of war. By the end of the year though, the Rhonish forces were able to drive the forays back.

In 18 ET, the NAMARIN family fled south under duress and sheltered in Lord Arydus home as the Kingdom began to tear itself apart with the death of the Regent. Lord Arydus swore to see the NAMARIN home to their lands and accompanied them. It was there that he first became entangled in the struggles against SWANS. He rode with the forces of WINDS at the 1st Battle of the River Lyr and made a name for himself amongst the killing. In 20 ET, he responded to the horns from the mountain outposts only to find that a mountain clan warband had slipped through the lines and fell upon a nearby hamlet. Lord Arydus led his outnumbered men against the warband and slew the Chieftain SHABREX of the Shogmoan tribe.

In 23 ET, Lord Arydus, always a voice for action in the Eorl's council, rode with the Eorl of Swords south to retake Rhuvael from the PRESUMPTUOUS LORDS. It was during that siege that Arydus was one of the first into the streets of Rhuvael and found himself crossing steel with LORD TORKYN BASHAMON, the traitorous father of Lord Nanris Bashamon and the Lady Nynelle’s grandfather. It was Lord Arydus that carried the day and slew the BASHAMON in a body-strewn street of that liberated city. In 25 ET, he carried the banner of SWORDS up and onto the walls of SWANHOLD when they launched an attack across the channel. While they were eventually driven off, many veterans of that day recall the proud sight of the SWORDS banner waving them on from the battlements amidst a sea of foes. In 28 ET, Lord Arydus and several others executed SWANS prisoners—ignoring their pleas to surrender for ransom. Though those of meeker dispositions may paint such actions in a darker light, as SOLAIM, we know that the only end to treason is in the grave. A year later, Lord Arydus capitalized on the prestige that his battle prowess and his grim reputation had earned by securing the hand of a daughter from a cadet branch of the influential southern MANNYR family for his son, ARAND SOLAIM.

In 29 ET, the old Lord Arydus retired as his son, LORD ARAND, took up his sword. And so it was Lord Arydus who was the only soul present when his grandson, Mavron, is born a few years later.

Renowned Knight-III

Year of Birth
11 BL 70 Years old

Cover image: by Daniel Cortijos


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