Battle of Oakstands

The BATTLE OF OAKSTANDS resulted when the Presumptuous Lords engaged the force of nobles and retainers that had gathered to take back Rhuvael. The effort was too hasty by the Crown Lords. The PRESUMPTUOUS LORDS managed to scatter the camp of the loyalist opposition. This led to the Battle of Oakstands the following day as the loyalists attempted to regroup. It was a disaster for the loyalists with some loss of life but also many noble hostages were taken by the forces of the Presumptuous Lords. Some of these hostages chose to gain their freedom by joing the ranks of the LORDS.

The Conflict


In 22 ET, the Presumptuous Lords took Rhuvael for themselves. This was a shock even in the chaos following the Regent’s death. The lawlessness in the south was mostly confined to deserting soldiers and opportunistic commoners. The notion that nobles would act similarly caught the others off-guard. The matter fell to the nobility that resided on the lands near Rhuvael and Vael Lake also known as the Crown Lords for owing their fealty directly to the THRONE. A number of these lords and ladies gathered forces a day’s ride from the capital in haste. Outraged but unorganized, the nobles spent too long in gathering forces and making their plans. The camp was hit in the night by the forces of Rhuvael’s usurpers and were scattered. They reformed the following day to find the forces of the Presumptuous Lords in the field threatening them.

The Engagement

The demoralized and disorganized forces of the CROWN LORDS were little match for that of the PRESUMPTUOUS LORDS. The battle was devastating for morale but inflicted minimal loss of life--at least on the chivalry and nobility--but did scatter the CROWN LORDS forces and cause their retreat.
Conflict Type
Start Date
32nd of Autumn, 22 ET
Ending Date
33rd of Autumn, 22 ET
Conflict Result
Loyalist forces driven from field


Presumptuous Lords

Led by

Loyalist Nobles | Crown Lords


Mercenaries and retainers.
Ser Eosa of the Walls
Lord Torkyn Bashamon


Minor casualties, mostly morale effects.
Notable Casualties
Lord Dareth Madragar


To reform and drive the enemy back long enough for reinforcements to arrive from other nobles families.


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