Beloc Inlyrian

Senior Templar | Knights Aeris

Ser Beloc , Brother-Superior of the West Wind

At A Glance

Beloc Inlyrian is the second son of Aemos Inlyrian, the previous Sword Lord of Inlyrian. While his father pressured him into religious service Beloc was able to achieve part of his dream of becoming a knight by being inducted into the Knights Aeris militant order. Even this did not provide him with a life of chivalry and glory though he is rumored to be a fine administrator within the order.



Family Ties

Ser Beloc's connection to his family seem remote at best as there is little evidence of visits or reunions with them.

Renowned Knight-II

Year of Birth
13 ET 46 Years old
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by Daniel Cortijos


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