Brotherhood of the Grey Shroud

This organization has an ominous name that is rooted only in the apparel that the traveling monks bear with them as a sign of their association; a unique grey shroud. The Brotherhood maintains several small shrines and stop-overs for their members. These facilities are often minimalist both by design and necessity. The Brotherhood is dedicated to the service of others. As such they eschew, while traveling and spreading the Holy Tongue, carrying more than 'two suns of life'. This is partly an expression of their poverty vows and their dedication that Domiel will provide for them. It would be impolite to point out that it certainly keeps this coin-strapped order from suffering financial collapse as well.


The Brotherhood has few properties capable of quartering more than a handful of their brethren. There are two abbeys that serve as clearinghouses and sanctuary if it is needed. The majority of locations are made up of small, rural shrines.

The grey shroud is made of a gauzy fabric that is completely water-resistant. As the only means to obtain such a shroud is to take vows with the Brotherhood or take it off the dead body of a brother, these objects are extremely rare.
Religious, Monastic Order
Notable Members

Cover image: by Daniel Cortijos


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