Camaris Organization in The Empty Throne | World Anvil


The Camaris family has a long tradition of service to the throne and the line of Rhuanon despite being exiled from Rhone in -162 when the CAMARIS heir made advances on Princess Moralei. The family traveled north into Aenar where they restored their fortunes in time to be of service to Rhone again during the Aenar Wars. For their service, they were granted reprieve and restored as nobility of Rhone.

There have long been rumors of hidden treasure and coin-chests surrounding the CAMARIS lineage. Much of this stems from their ignoble flight from RHONE and settling in AENAR with few resources. It is only a matter of years before they return to RHONE and allegedly spent coin freely in that time to ensure their safety. These stories over a hundred-and-a-half years old and nothing has slowed down the gossip.

The CAMARIS family has a large estate on the eastern shores of Vael Lake. It is one of the most civilized and wealthy regions of RHONE. The CADARIS family may have skeletons in the closet but their coin refuses to run out.

Ever The Shield

Political, Family
Family Leader

Articles under Camaris

Cover image: by Daniel Cortijos


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