Castle Blackmoon

The western shore is watched over by the old Rhuani fortification known as CASTLE BLACKMOON. It is held by the Madragar line as it has been since they were trusted as its Wardens and Castellans for decades before the Queen's Crusade. Since the CRUSADE, the Madragar lineage has held the castle and projected stability over the surrounding area while warding the western shores as per their historical mandate. As the castle is not their ancestral home, its ownership was raised at the signing of the Treaty of Widowhall. It was discussed that the LORD SORAS MADRAGAR should surrender it to the Council of Rhuvael. Accompanied by his grand-nephew, the heir and son of the Lord's nephew and also his own son, the Lord Madragar invited them to try but at great cost to themselves. It was the combined will of the Crown Lords and the Eorls of the Sword Coast that pointed out that they were more suited to it than any others as he had held and protected its people. In addition, the Throne loyalists indicated that the castle was vested by the Queen and Throne and no one else could it take it away.

It remains in the MADRAGAR line still.
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Daniel Cortijos


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