Clash At Baem Stand

In the spring of 53 ET, the infamous mountain warleader, Manduin Broke-Ear led several warbands east out of the Giantspine Mountains on raids into the Eorldom of Swords. A warband was sighted near the Greavewood and brought the wrath of several northern vassals: Ser Eadric Léowen, Ser Emrys Gwalchmai Sera Catriona Ruari, Ser Caloial Brynonne Ser Ondaul Kashyr led a varied force of foot against the raiders and were victorious near the line of hills known as the Baem Stands.


The forces of Swords, under the command of Ser Eadric Léowen, were deployed on the eastern side of the hills of the Baem Stands. When the raiders pushed into the field before them, the collected knights mounted a lance charge at the raiders front lines. This initial charge smashed the courage and strongest of the raiders who led from the front. Every lance found a foe!

Behind them, as the knights turned around to engage the remaining raiders, the foot troops slammed into their disorganized ranks. The raiders were defeated soundly and their leader, Gourag the Bad-Moon, was slain. Few remained to flee into the wilderness...
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
28th of Spring, 53 ET
Ending Date
28th of Spring, 53 ET


Vassals of Swords

Led by

Mountain Clans

Led by


Gourag the Bad-Moon
-2-Clan Champions


Significant. Broken.
Gourag slain.



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