Dalella Sabel

Dalella Sabel

At A Glance

The Lady-Knight of Sabel was a fervent follower of the old Eorl of Swans and brought her entire family into the Aenwold to hide with him. When he passed, she shifted that allegiance to the Blackswan She was a fearsome adversary during the time they ranged out from the woods to strike back. She was already a knight of prowess when she added archery and surprise to her retinue. She was one of the Blackswan's chief warleaders.

She lost her life staging a brazen attack on the forces surrounding her liege's stronghold during the 2nd Battle of Swanhold. She was slain by a member of Lord Aslac Erenagh's party that responded to their attack.


Renowned Knight-III

3 ET 44 ET 41 years old
Circumstances of Death
Slain at 2nd Battle of Swanhold

Cover image: by Daniel Cortijos


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