Eastern Greenwall

The GREENWALLS are a nearly contiguous 'wall' of trees and foliage miles deep and long that butt up against the foothills and rock faces of the Giantspine Mountains in the east, west and south of the Rhone Peninsula. In common usage are the descriptions of EASTERN and WESTERN to differentiate between the two main bodies.

The EASTERN GREENWALLS lie adjacent to the lands of the Eorldom of Shields and other noble families. They are considered more 'wild' than the Western Greenwalls due to their proximity to the Sword Coast but opinions vary. The one thing that is agreed upon is that regardless of East or West, the GREENWALLS are dangerous woods where the mountain clansmen forage and roam-often while raiding and warring amongst themselves or Rhone. Even worse, the stories of old women throughout Rhone tell of the many foul things that sought shelter in the GIANTSPINE MOUNTAINS and the Greenwall grew in so lush and full that the forest floor is perpetually shadowed--a darkness that is said to be a boon to those twisted things that still see Mankind as thralls and prey.

But who listens to the stories of old women...


Cover image: by Daniel Cortijos


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