Endarane Anaedar Character in The Empty Throne | World Anvil

Endarane Anaedar

Lady-Knight Endarane Anaedar

LADY-KNIGHT ENDARANE ANAEDAR is the aging matriarch of the Anaedar family. She was an accomplished knight in her day with a reputation for grace and etiquette at court and tactical efficiency on the battlefield. She fought against the Presumptuous Lords in the fields and walls surrounding Rhuvael, threw her weight against much of the strife and would-be warlords that attempted to take root in the chaos. Throughout the past several decades, Lady-Knight Endarane has navigated the unique relationship that places ANAEDAR and their lands beholden to no one since the absence of the Throne.

Year of Birth
4 BL 63 Years old

Cover image: by Daniel Cortijos


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