Sarthenne Organization in The Empty Throne | World Anvil


While the SARTHENNE family hails from old RHUANI lineage, the current Heir also bears Swordsblood through her maternal line. It is said that LORD MAFDAS SARTHENNE was so overwhelmed by love and admiration for the beauty of CATH DUZAEL that he spurned the counsel of his family and friends to marry her. While their marriage was grand, it was not fated to last--as Lady Cath passed away early in her years. While such mingling is common after so long a kingdom, there are those who look down on such actions and consequently those who are birthed of it. The influence of the heir's maternal uncle, Lord Nilrin Duzael, as her knight-mentor does little to quiet such talk.

Mastering True Strength, From Within

Political, Family
Family Leader
Parent Organization
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Cover image: by Daniel Cortijos


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