Silar Valagos

Crown-Regent Silar Valagos

Silar Valagos served as an advisor and knight to King Tharyion from -16 BL until his death in -6 BL. Silar and his brother, Salal Valagos, were the sons of a knight that had been slain in the King’s service. As a reward for the greatest of sacrifices, both boys were brought into the royal household in @Rhuvael and given education and training. Both children were bright and loyal to the King throughout his life.

Silar excelled at both martial and courtly skills as he grew older. He was knighted by the King himself at the age of eighteen. A few years after his knighting ceremony, he was inducted into the Companions of the Crown and served the King in a variety of roles. He was very close to the King and respected by many of the nobility for his prowess at arms as well as the command of courtly virtues.
As King Tharyion grew weaker, he prepared extensively for his absence and his grand-daughter’s youth. Having weathered the Eorlswar and outlived his own son, Ariam, Silar and the King spent many nights drafting documents and controls that would hold the nobility to the throne for the brief period of time until Ellavaine could reach her majority.

When the King finally passed, there was not a noble in the kingdom who doubted that Silar would make a fine Regent. He did not disappoint and managed to step on any domestic flare-ups amongst the nobles. When Ellavaine came of age, Silar quickly and smoothly planned her coronation and stepped away from the power he had wielded for the past five years. His behavior was held up as the greatest display of loyalty and vassalage to squires and students in years to come.

When Queen Ellavaine announced her Crusade, the fervor and energy she harnessed amongst the kingdom did not affect Silar and it is believed that he did not approve of it. However, once again, Silar served and publicly cheered the Queen’s speeches as loudly as anyone.

His appointment as a Regent for a second time was of no surprise and caused no concern amongst the nobility and chivalry. Amongst the Church, his brother had risen to the level of a Bishop of the Rule with a diocese in the rich center of the Western Peninsula. This calmed any unrest from amongst those of the cloth.
34 BL 17 ET 51 years old
Circumstances of Death
Slain by unknown hands at the Final Council.

Cover image: by Daniel Cortijos


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