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The Empty Throne

Summer, 59th Year of the Empty Throne

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On the western edge of the Continent, the Kingdom of Rhone has stood for three hundred years, ever since it was founded by the Hero-King Rhuanon and his people who came across the shores and ended the dominion of the Dark Elder. Since Time Immemorial, the Elder had held the people of the Continent in thrall until the Rhuani landed on their shores. Armed with the secret of iron and led by Rhuanon and his Companions, the Rhuani led a rebellion composed of all the peoples of the Continent that chased the Dark Elder from their fortresses and sent them fleeing to the eastern shores and finally out across the great blue eastern ocean into memory.

Over fifty years ago, the young Queen of Rhone received a portent of a Darkness rising in a land unknown and called for a Crusade across the Eastern Ocean. The flower of Rhonish chivalry gathered their banners and marched across the Continent to the eastern shores where ships were commissioned to carry them across the unknown waters to confront an ancient threat.

They were never heard from again.

The Queen’s Regent held the peace in Rhone for fifteen years before petty strife and ambition led to civil war. The Eorl of Swans made war upon his neighbors until a Council was called to bring him to task. The Council ended in bloodshed and the Regent was slain in the council chamber by hands unknown.

Since that time, the Kingdom of Rhone has had no one upon the Throne and the land has been beset by internal strife. Intermittent warfare has clouded the vision and hope for the Kingdom itself. The Kingdom has been held together by the Eorls, named by the Throne in generations past, and their vassals sworn to them. In addition, there are the strong Free-holding Lords of lesser power that are sworn directly to the Throne and owe allegiance to no Eorl. The people and lands of Rhone are governed by these Eorls, Free Lords, their Banner-Lords and vassal Lords; the majority of them hailing from storied lineages and families of old.

The Eorldom of Swords is led by Eorl Rovin Brynagar, a man in his mid-twenties, who is only just learning to find his way among the politics and dangers of the land. The Eorldom of Swords lies sandwiched between the southern Rhone Peninsula and the northern Sword Coast and lands of the Aenar. To the south is the great capital of Rhuvael and the southern lords with their cosmopolitan lords and ladies, rivalries and politics. In the north, trouble brews as the once-rebellious Eorl of Swans, the Blackswan, has been brought back into the fold after his rebellion twelve years ago. Under the Widow’s Bargain, an armistice between the Eorls after decades of conflict in the vacuum of the Throne’s absence, the Blackswan regained his Eorldom and this has angered many nobles in the kingdom. One such affronted noble, the Eorl of Thorns, refused to sign the armistice and has declared independence as the Prince of Thorns. His expansion has been slow but palpable as his forces pressure the lords and Eorls in the northern parts of Aenar.

Dweomer and monsters do abound although court wizards are not the norm. There have been a number of powerful dweomercrafters throughout history and there are many workers even today. Creatures of fearsome aspect are far more common as the creations of the Dark Elder broke free and multiplied, Dragons once blotted out the sun, Giants swarm in the mountains, dark Powers grant ambitious fools arcane knowledge and strength; witches and warriors alike. Templars and the most faithful have been known to channel their faith in the High and Low Church to bring forth miracles and acts of unnatural providence.

It is a land of dark history, great heroics, countless foes and threats from beyond. It is a land that abhors a vacuum.


The Sword Coast Chronicle

King Arthur Pendragon