Eladrin Ethnicity in The Empyrean Universe | World Anvil
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To be not just ruled by emotions, but physically changed by them? Better to have no emotions at all. — Donerak Rezinter, Vedalken Noble

The Eladrin are elves that hail from the verdant splendor of the Feywild. Thousands of years ago a large number of Eladrin left the Fey Realm to settle and explore The Substantial. Those explorers have since founded numerous settlements including the powerful island nation of Thesselin in the Sea of Dreams. Eladrin are creatures ruled by emotion — and because of their unique magical nature, eladrin can step from one place to another in the blink of an eye. They also undergo physical changes to match their changes in temperament. Each eladrin resonates with emotions captured in the Feywild in the form of seasons—affinities that affect the eladrin’s mood and appearance.


The magic flowing through eladrin responds to their emotional state by transforming them into these different seasonal aspects, with behaviors and capabilities that change with their forms. Some eladrin might remain in a particular aspect for years, while others run through the emotional spectrum each week.


Regardless of the aspect they express, eladrin love beauty and surround themselves with lovely things. Eladrin try to possess any objects they find striking. They might seek to own a painting, a statue, or a glittering jewel. When they encounter people of comely form or luminous spirit, they use their magic to delight those folk or, in the case of evil eladrin, to abduct them.



Eladrin mostly have the appearance of a tall, slender human-like figure with large pointed ears that sweep out towards the back of their heads. They have a variety of skintones that can change depending on the seasonal form they take. Often this means greenish hues for Spring, golden hues for Summer, red or orange hues for Autumn, and bluish or pallid hues for Winter. Eladrin have large pupiless eyes that also change color in accordance with their season. Eladrin hair is often worn long and decorated with living plants and flowers.


Spring Eladrin

Their hearts filled with joy, spring eladrin cavort through their sylvan realms, their songs and laughter filling the air. These playful eladrin beguile other creatures to fill them with the joy of spring. Their antics can lead other creatures into danger and make mischief for them.


Summer Eladrin

When angered, eladrin enter the season of summer, a burning, tempestuous state that transforms them into aggressive warriors eager to vent their wrath. Their magic responds to their fury and amplifies their fighting ability, helping them move with astonishing quickness and strike with terrible force.


Autumn Eladrin

Eladrin often enter the autumn season when they are overcome by feelings of goodwill. In this aspect, they defuse conflicts and alleviate suffering by using their magic to relieve any ailments that afflict the people who come to them for aid. They tolerate no violence in their presence and move quickly to settle disputes, to ensure that peace continues to reign.


Winter Eladrin

When sorrow distresses eladrin, they enter the winter season, becoming figures of melancholy. Frozen tears drop from their cheeks, and their palpable sadness emanates from them as icy cold.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Kaithaea, Trihanna, Jarglyn, Eilneth, Wesfaera, Bricaryn, Theibis, Quebynn, Theicahne, Qiglyn

Masculine names

Quotorin, Marvis, Branmil, Trinkul, Quaxis, Trinurian, Fylabaver, Eredarai, Nalliss, Xaniver

Family names

Narkaris, Minratra, Arakris, Yanikul, Oladon, Olavan, Lanykos, Corkul, Kuoiver, Elrobaver

Spring Eladrin

Summer Eladrin

Autumn Eladrin

Winter Eladrin

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