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The Colonial Sisters

Feed us salt and bring us thunder



6000 all female warriors in the great sea area. Battling Gerudo and Hylian Pirates


Gunpowder, Enough tools to make ships and/or a small outpost, Cooking equipment, maintenance equipment


Flintlock muskets, Hand cannons, pikes, Greatswords. Armor


Galleons along with frigates. Longships are used as landing craft when assault islands


An election is called every year   The Sisters only answer to the current ruler of Labrynnia.   The Head Sister is one of the 6 Admirals. The Admirals elect one of their own to be their Leader. Most of the times this is the most competent of them. Since the sisters don't have any kind of currency that they use corruption is rare. The Head sister Commands the entire fleet.   The Head Sister commands the Iron Man o War. A large ship made of steel having advanced weaponry.   The 6 Admirals are also elected by the 60 Captains. The Captains elect 6 sisters to become Admirals. Each Admiral commands a 1000 Sisters.   Each Admiral commands a wooden Man o War. Made out of wood using basic weaponry.   The 60 Captains are also elected by Sisters. Each Captain commands a 100 Sisters.   Each Captain commands a Frigate. A Frigate made out of wood using normal Weaponry along with boarding tools   The Sisters have 3 Military Divisions each lead by a "Queen" these Divisions are   Storm Sisters: Sisters specialized in close quarters combat wielding Greatswords. They are always the first ones to set afoot on land. They also specialize in boarding swinging from ship to ship. Squads often compete in who can keep their balance on the sails. They are also often the troublemakers on the ship since they get into brawl fights alot. They often wear a customized chain mail or plate mail. The Storm Queen is selected by the Head Sister and wears Full Plate armor.   Gun Sisters: These Sisters are specialized in mid to long range combat often wielding customized Flintlock rifles and Handcannons. They also man the cannons on the ships. These Sisters are often older than the Storm Sisters and require years of training to perfect their art of gunnery. They compete in target shooting by shooting bottles... or prisoners. They are the most merciless on the ship but try to avoid getting into conflict with fellow sisters. The Gun sisters wear Leather armor. Their Gun Queen often wears Chain mail and uses a handcannon. She is selected by the Head Sister   Pike Sisters: The Pike Sisters are a strange division wielding pikes and swords. They work together with the Gun Sisters to prevent them from getting charged. They are also the ones that repair the ship and row the longships. They are physically fit and are disciplined. The Empress herself often picks out Pike Sisters to train the Imperial Guard. They only wear Leather armor and have been seen using shields at times although this is really rare and is only used when fighting Hylians. The Pike Queen is selected by the Head Sister and wears Plate armor with a tower shield.   The non combat divisions are:   The Blacksmiths/Gunsmiths: These Sisters create the weapons and armor of the sisters. They are masters of their craft and their Magnum Opus are near God tier weapons. Their normal work produces Amazing quality weapons. (in game terms: +2 - +3 plus a secret)   The Wood Sisters: The Wood sisters are lead by the Wood Queen. These Sisters repair the ships and create outposts and help build settlements. Just as their Smith Sisters their work is Amazing. There is a rumor going around that they created a "sailing" city.   The Blue lines: The Blue Lines are in charge of anything to do with civilian activity. They manage the Gold reserves of the fleet. They are the only ones that are allowed to access it and are chosen by the Empress herself. These "Blue Sisters" are often retired Head Sisters. Unlike all other sisters they stay at a Sister Settlement taking care of the Settlement while their assistants are with the Head Sister taking care of civilian matters.   The Cook: The Cook is a single sister that takes care of really Young sisters teaching them basic skills. The Cook is often the oldest Sister on the ship. She is also nickname "The Mother of the ship" It is quite command that she throws a shoe at a fellow sisters because they didn't finish their food.


At Sea the Sisters often use the "Wall of Lead" tactic. The ships will turn towards the enemy revealing their cannons before firing a Volley. Often this will demolish a large ship in a single Volley. If a Battle drags on for more than a day (which is common when fighting professional fleets instead of pirates) The Sisters use the "Drunken Empress" (named after the Current Empress) where the Man o war's will start sailing in a circle firing off a volley at their enemy once it is in sight. This makes for a decent rate of fire.   The Frigates will split up 30 each and destroy any other ships. The Frigates have free reign over what they want to do although they tend to follow a single ship which is often the most damaged one to protect it.   On land the sisters use Longships that are dropped down from the Man o wars and row/Sail at high speed towards a beach. Once the beach has been reached the "Shock Sisters" (explain futher in (INSERT LINK)) will rush out of the Longship charging the enemy cutting them down before falling back as the "Gun Sisters" line up firing in volleys. Handcannons firing at the most armored enemies. Then the "Pike Sisters" and Shock Sisters will move up in formation the Gun Sisters behind them. Only firing when cavalry charges or when armored enemies are encountered.   The ships will fire upon any fortresses in the distance while fighting is going on on the beach. An admiral must wave the "Shark Flag" before they are allowed to march inland.   FLAGS:   The Sisters communicate through flags. Only the Admirals have sending stones.   These are the current flags:   Black flag: We are plundering enemies.   Red Flag: Give 'em no quarter   Skull Flag: Victory or Death.   Bull Flag: Ramming speed   Dagger Flag: Boarding   Axe Flag: Leave no Survivors.   Crossed Swords flag: We are being boarded.   Hammer flag: We are in need of repair   Triforce flag: Hylians spotted   Fire flag: Gerudo Spotted   ? flag: Unkown ship spotted.   Squid flag: Pirates spotted   Tree flag: Land spotted   Green flag: All clear   No flag: Mutiny.   Green Black: We have mutinied and laying anchor to negotiate.   Shark Flag: Move inland destroy any resistance.   Crown Flag: Pacify the Island avoid lethal combat.


Most Sisters are signed up by the mothers if the mother cannot afford to take care of the child or Sisters are recruited from destroyed settlements.   We will be taking sister Sula's training as an example. Sula is a Storm Sister. Her Village was raided when she was 2 months old. The Sisters found her in a pile of rubble and managed to save her.   Age 0: Sula is transferred to a Sister Settlement to be taken care of until she is 12 years old.   Age 12: she is taken by a captain on their frigate and starts out as a cook's helper. Here she learns basic survival skills from the cook. She is taught ofcourse how to cook, clean and take care of herself.   Age 13: she can now pick a different mentor she can pick out of: The cook, The Blacksmith/Gunsmith, The Gun Queen, The Storm Queen, The Pike Queen, The Wood Queen or the blue sister. (Note: All these were explain in command structures) Sula picks the Storm Queen as her new mentor and starts learning the basics of Greatsword fighting and teamwork. Her daily activities consist of: Cleaning the Sister's swords, Running laps around the ship. Strength training by lifting the Sister's greatswords.   Age 14: Sula is taught how to handle a cannon incase a nearby gunner might die or get wounded. She now is taught how to load and clean a cannon. She is not allowed to fire it unless a gunner is nearby. Her daily activities are still the same.   Age 15: Sula's regime stays the same   Age 16: Sula is now allowed to drink and feast. She now often goes into battle with her fellow sisters but stays behind as a reserve and takes care of the beach camp and the longboats. She has been taught sailing. The Quarter Mistress often spectates her to see how well she does. If she does well she might get officer training. After a battle Sula is now accepted among her Sisters to sit with them and drink she no longer serves the drinks anymore. She now is seen as a Sister in training. Sula is strong enough to take on several male knights in a brawl. Sula has way more freedom now. Her daily activities are: Day: Cleaning/repairing, Training, Brawling with other sisters, Freetime. night: Watch, Drink with fellow sisters, Sleep.   Age 17: Sula has been selected for Junior Officer training. She now is being trained by the Quarter Mistress in tactics and Commanding. She is taught how to sail the longship itself. She now commands 5 young sisters in their daily activities. She is being watched closely by both the captain and Quarter Mistress.   For normal young sisters their regime stays the same.   Age 18: Sula is now considered a full Sister and is on the frontline of the Storm Sisters in battle. Her Officer training is going well and is in charge of the young storm sister sleeping area.   Age 19: Sula is now an officer. She follows her captain into battle commanding 10 Storm Sisters.   Age 20: Sula is now allowed to marry although she cannot leave the Sisterhood since sisterhood is forever. Most Sisters marry a fellow sister.   95% of the Sisters are Lesbian thanks to being raised around fellow women going through puberty without seeing a single non hostile male.


Logistical Support

The captains select older Sisters to fish while they are on land or the seas are calm. This is how they get most of their food.   The Head Sister has also bought a bunch of good berry crates to spread around the Sisters. Although the Empress does not like this.


The Brothers:   The brothers are a support unit of the Sisters. Males are normally not allowed on the ship but the Head Sister can make an exception if they clean the ship and clean the cannons. They are not allowed to speak to any high ranking Sisters.   Storm Zora's.   The Sisters have a secret alliance with the Storm Zoras. The Storm Zoras rest on the underside of the ship incase they get attacked by under water creatures. The Storm Zora will fight off the Sea Creatures. For their Service the Storm Zoras are taught the secrets of Sister Gunpowder.


The Sisters are Colonials. This means they answer to a governor but they refuse this since the current Governor is a man. So they answer to the Empress instead.   The Colonial sisters costs Labryannia around 150k Gold per year. Although the government has changed this to notes. This does not sit well with the Sisters and there are rumors of rebellion


(explained in training)
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy

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