The magical wards surrounding countries and feeding on their inhabitants' magic to protect them or doom them all...
The engineering corps is the most important corps in the army and the alchemy manufactory is where the most important work of all is done! All ammunitions and uniforms for the army are created here.
Weapon manufactories and their management are critical for all modern states. It's all thanks to the changes introduced in the last few centuries, that we can arm bigger and bigger armies and make a nice big show on the battlefield!
Military justice is absolute and all-encompassing and you better behave rather than hope for clemency! Although if you're an officer and have money, prison will be little different from a nice holiday. You might even develop your literary talents!
Polytechnique is the best military school in the country, forming all the engineers of the French army. The initiation rituals welcoming the new students aim to teach them the respect of its glorious traditions.