Sharpgold Bounty Hunters

The Sharpgold Bounty Hunters are a group of mercenaries based out of Korosa that hunt down various criminals in the Expanse. Pirates are their main target, but they occasionally catch runaway slaves and drag them back to Reishi Island.


The Sharpgolds are organized first into a militarized structure, and then into individual ship crews. The whole of the group is led by Master Captain Beckett Shepherd. Below him are six lieutenants, each with a crew of twenty under their command, enough to man a sailing ship. On occasion, multiple crews will merge together to man a warship, and if all six come together, they have enough to man the Sharpgold Galley, a wickedly intimidating ship.

Public Agenda

The Sharpgolds are, of course, bounty hunters. When a sufficient amount of gold is put on someone's head, they set out to bring them in and claim the reward. Which bounties they chase depends mainly on what the master captain or his lieutenants think would be the most cost-effective.


The Sharpgolds have a guild building that they operate out of close to the coast in Korosa, and have been successful enough for many of their distinguished members to own homes in the Hano district. They also, of course, own several ships fully equipped for naval battles - more than they can put to sea with their current number, in fact. At current count, they possess the Sharpgold Galley, three warships, and nine sailing ships.

If the waves don't get 'em, we will

Guild, Fighter / Mercenary
Training Level
Veterancy Level