Tiyah Maddix

Tiyah Maddix

Tiyah Maddix is a long-time slave of the Matire skumhouses. She has managed to survive through grit, physical skill, and a bit of magic. Tiyah has even managed to survive one of the more brutal punishments of being strung out in an Adgen storm.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tiyah is tall, toned, tanned, and as healthy as she can be expected to be. The malnourishment of her life as a slave has taken a toll on her, but she has managed to maintain more strength than you would expect from someone in her position.

Body Features

Tiyah's main eye-drawing feature is the tattoo on her back, done in the shape of a runic dragon. Its head rests at the base of her neck and its wings stretch out across her shoulders and down the backs of her arms, while the dragon's tail courses along her spine. Beyond that, Tiyah has some scars along her arms and legs, one on her abdomen, and one on her back.

Facial Features

Tiyah has strong, sharp facial features. A hard jawline, thin lips, and a prominent nose give her a consistently unamused expression, one easily complimented by her half-lidded eyes, which seem to change color from silvery white to shining gold whenever she starts producing flames.

Special abilities

Tiyah is a monster on the battlefield, capable of both brutal hand-to-hand combat and horrifying fire-slinging at a range. On top of this, she can shrug off most blows seemingly without notice. Both of these have given her a sort of reputation, among the slaves, among the raiders, and even among the slavers, who know better than to anger her too much.

Apparel & Accessories

As a slave, Tiyah is given clothing enough to maintain a sense of modesty and not much more. In the cold moths she may be permitted a jacket and some trousers, but she normally is left with a wrap around her chest and shorts. Somewhat oddly, Tiyah does have some simple golden jewelry. A choker around the neck, some bands around the arm, a simple necklace - Jak and the other slavers learned the hard way not to try and take it from her.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tiyah Maddix was born to a couple of pirates on Herebury Cay who had been stationed there for a bit too long. She spent most of her early life there, even after her parents had long since taken to the sea again. Tiyah took care of the island, sometimes tending the bar, sometimes helping with ship repairs, sometimes throwing rowdy pirates into the water to sober them up a bit. She got pretty good at maintaining the concord on the island, and was known for her ability to shrug off a bullet or two in her "peace keeping."   When she was fifteen, an infixed tattoo artist dropped by the Cay, offering to pass out a bit of magic to anyone who could pay. Tiyah had a bit of coin saved up from betting on the pirate's gambling, and so she bought a big one - a full dragon all up and down her back. According to the artist, the tattoo would bring out whatever element Tiyah was connected most closely to. She ended up with Primal heat, likely because she was born during Flashfire.   She wasn't necessarily happy with her position, but it was at least mostly safe. Until, that is, the Sharpgold's raid on Herebury. It was a concerted effort from all six of their crews, and they quickly overwhelmed the eighty-some-odd pirates in the Cay at the time - including Tiyah. Most were killed, but some, especially those with a small or nonexistent bounty, were taken as slaves. Tiyah was unlucky.   She was taken to Reishi at the age of nineteen. By then, she was already in reasonably good shape, was a fairly talented fighter, and had a decent grasp on some simple fire magic. Because of this, she was considered too dangerous to be favored, and so was sent to the Matire skumhouses, where she has remained for the last five years. Tiyah has been a tenacious slave, refusing to have her will broken and refusing to die - once, when Jak tried to take some of her gold, Tiyah put her heel to his knee hard enough to turn it backwards. She was strung up in an Adgen storm for that, and her face was clipped by a flying chunk of rock, but even that failed to kill her.


Tiyah wasn't educated. She knows how to count and do basic arithmetic and she can read and write some simple words, but she isn't especially knowledgeable about history or magic or any thing particularly scholarly. Everything she knows, she picked up by necessity rather than through instruction.

Morality & Philosophy

Tiyah used to have a sort of "might makes right" philosophy, but that has been damaged with her time in as a skum. Tiyah thinks of herself as generally more powerful than most individuals on the island, and yet their raw numbers render her impotent. Now, she takes whatever chances she can get to give the Reishi a black eye - especially if she can hurt the Sharpgolds at the same time. As you may expect, a pirate's child-turned-slave doesn't have the strongest moral compass, but the ubiquity of the concord at Herebury has instilled her with a concept similar to honor.


Social Aptitude

Tiyah is very confident and direct. If she needs or wants something, she will state it plainly. If it is not given to her, she will try to take it.
Chaotic Neutral
Current Status
Slaving away in the Matire skumhouses
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Slave-dragon
Date of Birth
11th of Hazemal, 3445
Herebury Cay
Current Residence
Matire Skumhouses
Narrow, intense, slides from white to gold.
Long brown hair, left loose or braided.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Heavily tanned, scarred
157 lbs