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Radric Grimbeard

Radric Grimbeard

Despite his sometimes grumpy attitude, Radric is well-respected in Saltmarsh and is known to have a soft spot for young adventurers just starting out on their journeys. He has been known to offer them discounts on equipment or even give them advice on their quests.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Radric Grimbeard is a male dwarf who stands at around four feet tall. He is well-built and muscular, with a thick red beard that extends down to his chest. His hair is styled in a unique mohawk, which he takes great pride in keeping well-groomed.
  Radric has a rugged appearance and is often seen wearing sturdy leather boots, durable trousers, and a thick, fur-lined coat. He is always armed with a trusty battle axe, which he keeps strapped to his belt at all times.
  Despite his gruff exterior, Radric has a kind heart and is always willing to help out those in need. He is fiercely loyal to his friends and family and is known for his unwavering sense of honor and integrity.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Radric Grimbeard was born into a family of merchants and traders, with a long lineage of dwarves who specialized in selling goods and wares to travelers and adventurers. Growing up, Radric was always fascinated by the various tools, weapons, and gadgets that his family sold, and he quickly learned the ins and outs of the trade.
  As he got older, Radric realized that he had a natural talent for haggling and negotiating with customers. He was able to read people's needs and desires, and always knew just what to say to close a deal. He also had a keen eye for quality, and was always able to pick out the best products from the suppliers his family worked with.
  When Radric was in his mid-twenties, his father decided to retire from the business and offered to sell him the family store in Saltmarsh. Radric eagerly accepted the offer, and spent the next several years working hard to expand the store's inventory and reputation.
  With his natural charm and wit, Radric quickly became a beloved figure in Saltmarsh, known for his fair prices, high-quality goods, and friendly demeanor. His store became a hub for adventurers and travelers passing through the town, and he made many valuable connections over the years.
  Today, Radric's General Store is one of the oldest and most respected businesses in Saltmarsh, and Radric himself is widely regarded as one of the town's most successful and beloved merchants.
Lawful Good
Current Status
To sell his goods to the fine people of Saltmarsh.
Current Location
Current Residence
Ruled Locations

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