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After the curse was lifted, Silverbark returned to his quiet vigil over the woods, watching over the trees and animals as he had done for centuries. Though he was pleased to see the woods thriving once again, he knew that the world was always changing, and that new challenges would come in time.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Silverbark is a towering and ancient being, with bark that appears almost silver in color. He has gnarled and twisted branches that reach out in all directions, some of which appear to have grown into intricate patterns resembling runes. His eyes, which appear to be made of small glowing orbs, are a deep and soulful green. Despite his size and age, Silverbark moves with a surprising grace, and seems to radiate a sense of calm and wisdom.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Silverbark, an elder treant, was an offspring of the Grandfather Tree, an ancient tree that had been growing since the dawn of time. When the world was young, Silverbark was born from a seed of the Grandfather Tree and given the task of creating the Emory Woods.
  Silverbark was a wise and powerful being who had watched over the woods for centuries. He had seen many things in his long life, including the coming of the Cyric curse that had devastated the woods.
  When the curse fell upon the Emory Woods, Silverbark was unable to stop it. He watched helplessly as the trees withered and died, and the animals fled in terror. He knew that the curse could not be lifted without the help of a powerful druid.
  When Cora Tealeaf arrived in the woods, Silverbark recognized her as the one who could lift the curse. He revealed himself to her and offered her a gift of the sacred acorn and sweetwater, which he had been protecting for centuries.
  Silverbark told Cora that the sacred acorn and sweetwater had the power to heal the land and break the curse, but they needed to be used together. Cora was able to use the gift to lift the curse and restore life to the Emory Woods.

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