Jeathyra is a drow enchanter, sorcerer, wizard, cleric, and warlock from Shennor and previously a member of the Artefractors. While a powerful mage and skillful enchanter, she is known to be direct, harsh, and without patience. She is a cleric and warlock of Faelrae, Eidolon of the Crepuscule Prowlers. Jeathyra is also one of the leaders of the remnants of Shennor, a loose group dedicated to the restoration of Shennor after the death and destruction caused by the great eruption nearly a century ago.
When Qilana and her companions went to Syglykh, she helped them by providing them with a guide, however stated that she would not return to the Artefractors, but expressed interest in bringing retribution on Yhjilvri.