Carapace Armour

Carapace Armour refers to a type of heavy body armor used by many agencies of the Imperium of Man, from the Imperial Guard and Imperial Navy to the Adeptus Arbites, as well as individuals wealthy enough to afford it like Rogue Traders. Carapace armor consists of large rigid plates of armaplas, ceramite or some other strong material molded to fit parts of the body. While heavy to wear and unable to cover flexible areas such as joints, it offers far better protection over lighter types of armor such as flak armor. This armor is also as much a status symbol as it is a form of protection, with the carapace breastplate worn by many Imperial Guard officers serving the dual purpose of protecting them and displaying their rank. Carapace armor can range from complete armored suits like those worn by Storm Troopers and the Adeptus Arbites to individual pieces such as chest plates, helmets, etc. Some bodysuits also include simple slots for carapace plates to be inserted, allowing the wearer to customize their level of protection or more easily replace damaged plates.


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