
The Eversor assassins are the crazed Berserkers of the Officio Assassinorum, these Savage men and women are barely human at this point and are loaded up with so many drugs combined with their superhuman physiology makes them one-man armies. Eversor assassins are incredibly efficient killers and have been known to kill Thunder Warriors and been known to rival solitaires in killing efficiency.



To become an Eversor assassin one must be naturally hyper-violent, with an inborn blood lust for killing. And also, the Assassin must have the right genetic makeup to handle the augmentations required to handle the copious amounts of drugs pumped into them.



An Eversor Assassin is armed with the following.   Executioner Pistol: The executioner pistol is a human-size bolt pistol combined with a Needler weapon, the Needler weapon is always given an extremely powerful neurotoxin capable of killing even a massive ork.   Power Weapon and Neuro Gauntlet: the Power weapon may vary from a sword to a mace but will always be a power weapon, the Neuro Gauntlet is a gauntlet outfitted with long Ejectors capable of piercing almost any known form of armor. is also outfitted with an extremely powerful neurotoxin.   melta bombs: In the rare chance that an Eversor cannot break through a certain object or is going up against tanks, they use melta bombs to blast through any known object. these melta bombs can easily a tank into sludge.   Sentinel Array: this back-mounted sensory array features multiple Cutting Edge sensors that transfer directly into the assassin's head, giving its already exponentially enhanced brain more combat information that it can use.   Reinforces Synskin: this version of Synskin has been reinforced with thick yet light armor plates that further enhance the Eversor durability.


An Eversor Assassin Requires a healthy stream of Highly potent drugs to not only function, but to stay alive.

Dangers & Hazards

Standard to the battlefield but Eversor assassins have a special process for when they died called bio-meltdown. When an Eversor dies all the drugs in their body combined with their superhuman physiology overreact and then explode after a certain amount of time with the force of a plasma bomb.
Alternative Names
craze Berserkers, a living Goddamn bomb, Rage incarnate, A problem.
Eversor assassins are highly prized by the Officio Assassinorum. Each individual is essentially a one-man Army.
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