Mark X "Tacticus Armour"

Mark X Tacticus armour is a suit that combines the most effective elements of ancestral Great Crusade patterns of plate with more recent developments in power armour technology. The Mk.X was developed by Fabrication-General Belisarius Cawl at the same time as the Primaris Marines.   The Mk.X is a design more versatile than its predecessors. There is no single appellation and design but instead a modular system of ceramite plating that can be adjusted for a multitude of tactical roles, from the scouting and reconnaissance capabilities of the Phobos pattern up to the heavy Gravis pattern worn by Aggressor Squads.   The Mk.X has many different variants, such as the Mk.X "Gravis" heavy armour used by Commanders, Aggressor Squads, Eradicator Squads, and the Jump Pack-capable variant used by Inceptor Squads. The Gravis pattern of Mk.X Armour is more heavily protected and allows for a level of protection Matching Terminator Armour level but with the flexibility of standard designs. A lighter Jump Pack and Grav chute-equipped variant of the Gravis Pattern, known as the Omnis-Pattern, is utilized by Vanguard Suppressor Squads.   Another variant of the Mk.X is the Mk.X Reiver or Phobos pattern. The suit’s lighter-weight ceramite and streamlined design allows for greater mobility, and its servo-motors are engineered to be completely silent. The design however sacrifices protection for stealth and speed. As their name suggests, they are used by Reiver Squads and Vanguard Space Marine Squads.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Mark X Tacticus armor Has Much of the same functions as other suits of power armor but has been improved upon immensely. In more detail, here are the individual components of Mark X Tacticus armor.   Inner Components   Inner skinsuit: The inner skinsuit is made of a moisture-absorbing synthetic material linked to an environmental control computer and the occupant's Black Carapace interface. It controls the suit's temperature and actively changes how the suit fits the user.   Hydrostatic gel: On top of the inner skinsuit is a gel-filled layer, which regulates the temperature of the suit and can change its density to conform to the wearer's shape. The temperature inside the suit is controlled by the moisture-absorbing Synthetic suit underneath the hydrostatic layer. The hydrostatic gel layer can also be pressurized to various levels to potentially save the wearer's life should the wearer be subjected to high G forces or a high-velocity impact.   Liquid metal crystal piezoelectric layer: The inner structure of the suit is a layer of piezoelectric liquid crystal that deforms along a preferred axis when exposed to an electric charge. This layer acts as a sheath or a suit of artificial muscle; this reactive piezoelectric effect increases the mobility, speed, and all-around physical performance of the suit's user, Monstrously increasing their strength and reaction time. The material is amorphous, which circumvents a major obstacle in its design: custom fitting millions of the polygonal pieces under the second armor layer. Knitted together at a molecular level the liquid crystal material is merely "poured" into a multilayered Sierpinski capillary system where microelectric fields can direct crystallization geometries. The crystal layer can also Harden when exposed to a high amount of kinetic or energy-based attacks, adding another layer of resilience for the Space Marine.   Pressure seal: The pressure seal is a vital component of the Power armor system, it keeps the system airtight, underwater or in space. The seal is very strong but will only break under extreme pressure, such as in a high-velocity impact or when the hydrostatic gel has been overpressurized.   Waste-Relief System: The suit collects and packages the wearer’s waste products in a hygienic manner, allowing the Space Marine to keep fighting without worrying about the need to use the Restroom.   Plasteel nanocomposite bodysuit: The nanocomposite bodysuit, Sandwiched between the external armor and the internal padding is a thick black armored bodysuit. This suit has numerous functions, small but vital to the safety and survival of the wearer. The bodysuit is made of a Plasteel-based material, making it very strong and yet very flexible. It also serves as another layer of protection against ballistics attacks and is coated with a heat-resistant material to disperse heat from Energy weapons   Biofoam injectors: biofoam injectors are an integral part of the ability of the system to keep Space Marines functioning in battle. Biofoam is a medical gel that is used to fill and seal a wound automatically, Further enhancing the user's already tremendous survival capabilities.   Reactive circuits: Reactive Circuits are systems installed directly linked to the Space Marines's black carapace. They amplify the wearer's reaction time by connecting directly to the thoughts of the wearer, making it much easier to control and allowing for the soldier to be both more efficient and have a higher survival rate in combat.   Lockdown System: The lockdown system protects muscles and joints from traumatic, high-impact injuries by seizing the suit into a rigid posture by modifying the density of the hydrostatic gel layer.   Nutrient Reservoir: A self-replenishing high-energy food store that can sustain a Space Marine's metabolism. Thus during battle, there is no need for a Space Marine to eat or drink. this food supply can last for 5 days without being refilled.   Outer components   Integrated communications helmet: The Warsuit helmet is one of the most vital aspects of the Power armor system. It is made of Adamantium/Plasteel encased in ceramite and features a heads-up display that links to the brain and hands and can identify equipment and display information about it when it is picked up by the wearer. An environmental control unit that includes filters to remove toxins from the atmosphere, and a rebreather to automatically supply oxygen to the wearer during EVA. In addition, the helmet is packed with thermal and motion sensors, communications, solar-powered lighting, imaging and video gear, And plenty more features that can be added by the user's choice.   The most important feature though, is the direct neural interface system which connects to a Space Marines black carapace. Two-core processor chips are built into the back of the helmet. This is essentially comparable to an onboard computer using parts of the human brain for processing - when the connector at the rear of the subject's head and receptors in the black carapace link to the helmets on board sensors it creates the neural link needed to move the Power armor suit.   Adamantium/Plasteel alloy outer shell: The outer shell of the Power armor is composed of thick Adamantium/Plasteel alloy Armor plates encased in ceramite. This armor plating covers all body parts and is tremendously resilient and can take horrific amounts of punishment without even denting. And due to the ceramite encasement, it also has extreme heat resistance due to energy weapons.   Memory processor superconductor layer: This layer allows a starship-grade AI to travel with a soldier into the field. The AI can then aid the soldier in software intrusion, hardware hacking, and espionage by listening to enemy chatter.   Magnetic weapon holder strips: These strips are very small yet powerful magnets placed on the legs, waist, and back of the suit and are used to hold any equipment with a magnetic property. The suit also contains an electromagnetic system on the boots of the Power armor suit that allows its wearer to stay attached to a metal surface in zero-G environments and can be toggled on or off by the wearer.   Auto-reactive shoulder plates: From the same material as the armor plates, the Auto-reactive shoulder plates are designed to reflect or completely stop attacks, They're also highly durable and can take extreme amounts of punishment before being permanently broken. they can be replaced, however.   Backpack Power Plant: The backpack power plant is the main reason why the power suit even works, powered by a sub-atomic nuclear fusion reactor that can last decades, it provides power for all system functions and can even handle the strain of additional augmentations of the armor. It also has a backup emergency solar collector for the times when the main power source is unavailable.   Power supply control unit: The power supply control unit controls the power supply of the armor   The main feature of the Mark X Tacticus armor is the interchangeable armor plates. There is no single appellation and design but instead a modular system of ceramite plating that can be adjusted for a multitude of tactical roles, from the scouting and reconnaissance capabilities of the Phobos pattern up to the heavy Gravis pattern worn by Aggressor Squads.
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Can be customized for individual space Marine sizes


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