Shuriken Weaponry

Shuriken Weaponry are weapons almost unique to the Eldar, as this technology is extremely advanced and very difficult to replicate.   All shuriken weapons are built around a gravitic accelerator, similar to the motors which propel Imperial Land Speeders, and a solid core of ammunition composed of a plasti-crystal material, stored in the weapon's magazine. High-energy impulses originating from the rear of the weapon detach a monomolecular-thin slice of the core and hurls this slice out the barrel of the weapon at tremendous velocities due to a peristaltic shift. A magnetic repulsor forces the ammunition core out of the magazine and keeps it in line with the firing impulse. Using this method a burst of a hundred rounds can be fired in one or two seconds, and each core is good for ten or more of these bursts before requiring replacement. The downside to this method of operation is that shuriken weapons lack rifling in the barrel; this not only reduces accuracy but also the range of these weapons in comparison to normal projectile weapons of similar size.   The shuriken missiles themselves can be formed into a variety of shapes and designs, though whether these exist for practical or purely aesthetic purposes are unknown, with the most common pattern being a star followed by triangular and circular shapes. Whatever their shape these razor-sharp missiles are capable of not only slicing straight through flesh and bone but also penetrating a considerable thickness of metal and even plasteel armor. As with most Eldar technology, shuriken weapons are psychically activated and constructed of wraithbone which is particularly sensitive to the Eldar's innate psychic mind. For many personal weapons, this link is established through the grip and connects with additional systems incorporated into their armor.
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