Terminator Armour

Terminator Armour or Tactical Dreadnought Armour is the toughest and most powerful form of personal armor humanity has ever developed, used in Terminator units.   Like power armor, Terminator suits have an outer shell of ceramite-bonded plates powered by electrically-motivated fiber bundles. Plates of heavy plasteel further armor the ceramite sections, especially on the front of the suit. This extra armoring provides a level of protection that is far superior to normal Marine armor; not even a Krak missile will penetrate the suit's breastplate. It also contributes to the immense weight of the suit, making the wearer less maneuverable and slower. External adamantium ribs help support this weight, while the inclusion of suspensors helps the suit carry heavier support weapons.   Like normal power armor, Terminator armor is fully enclosed with life-support functions and includes an array of sensors including radiation monitors, biological detectors, and self-diagnostic scanners. Terminator Armour also incorporates many more auxiliary systems than normal Marine power armor, including motion sensors and threat detectors. The armor's sensorium, based upon tendril sensors, links directly into the wearer's own awareness. The sensorium allows the wearer to use a vast number of scanners and detectors without conscious thought. Sensoriums can also be linked together, allowing every squad member to see exactly the same view of the battle as his comrades.


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