The Imperial Palace

The Imperial Palace is a vast edifice that serves as both the palace of the Emperor of Mankind and the capital city of the Imperium of Man. Built across a large part of the Asian continent on Terra, the Palace is divided into the Inner and Outer Palaces. The Palace is built to truly monumental proportions; seen from orbit, it consists of connected kilometers-high monolithic and pyramidal structures, marked with landing pads and studded with defense weaponry. The palace itself is the seat of the Adeptus Terra, but is overseen by the Adeptus Custodes. The Imperial Palace is approximately the size of a large country.   Not only is the area of the Imperial Palace enormous, its macro-habs and space ports break through the atmosphere and rise into the void and its sub-levels dig deep into Terra's holy bedrock, in some places reaching a depth of hundreds of miles below the surface. Its vaults, corridors, fastnesses, plazas and chambers, are so multitudinous that no single record remains to list them all, and the techno-urbanic serf tribes, clan holdings and societal sub-nations that dwell within its walls could populate entire star systems.

Purpose / Function

To be the home headquarters of the Imperium.


The architectural style of the Imperial Palace is absolutely stunning yet viable, it can take absolute Onslaught of orbital bombardment and still look stylish through it all.


The Imperial Palace Is the Most well-defended building in the whole Imperium. to first start off the defenses are the walls, the walls are made from solid plasteel and adamantium That is 100 meters Thick and 2500 meters tall and is studded with Defense towers consisting of massive gun-citadels run every hundred meters along the walls lengths. Inside the walls are endless amounts of power generators, ammunition trains, aircraft hangars, barracks, and void shield generators.   In addition to its network of walls and gun batteries, the Imperial Palace is protected by a Void Shield array known as The Aegis. Designed by the Adeptus Mechanicus and perhaps the most sophisticated of its kind within the Imperium, the Aegis is a multi-layered self-repairing void web that encompasses the whole of the Palace and even slightly beyond. In its strongest areas the Aegis is capable of stopping the penetration of any object above a half-gram traveling faster than two meters per second. While The Aegis is invincible against orbital bombardment is theory, in its weakest outer reaches slow-moving aircraft can penetrate the shield and attack its open generators.   Next is the internals which are guarded by entire Legions of incredibly trained personnel such as the Lucifer Blacks and Palatine Sentinels which also guard on the walls, not to mention the Legions of regular Imperial army stations inside the palace.


Construction of the Imperial Palace began after the Unification Wars as a symbol of the Emperor's might and a monument dedicated to mankind's new unification. Based around the Himalayan mountains, the Palace was designed by the most expert artisans of the many Masonic Guilds of Terra. The early management of the Palace was left to the Seneschals of the Departmento Regia Interior. Construction of the Palace defenses was overseen by Primarchs Rogal Dorn and Perturabo. After the end of the great Crusade, the Imperial Palace was finally finished and even after all the years, it is still as glorious as what it always was.


The Imperial Palace is a tourist hotspot for many reasons, the main reason is the chance to see the God-emperor himself. The Imperial Palace in general is only visited by the truly rich and Elite, except for some strange cases.
Founding Date
Megastructure, Land based
Owning Organization


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