The Jester

Once a young boy, abandoned without a name. The Jester is one of the deadliest killers and greatest performers known to the galaxy, his title echos across the many theaters of the eldar craft worlds with joy and awe at his performances. On the battlefield it is cursed and screamed in fear by dying soldiers or soldiers who witness the effects of his shrieker cannon. However, this retelling will start where his story truly began.   It goes that he approached the troupe master following the most sacred performance known to the harlequins and the greater eldar race, The Great Dance. The boy asked to join the troupe, seeking an escape from his birthworld. The troupe master asked for the solitare who had performed the rite with the troupe that night to test him. The solitare in question was none other than The Specter of Light. If the specter found he had potential then the boy would be taken in and trained, as far as the troupe was concerned The Specter's word was law. The Specter of Lights' test was simple, all he said was "Hit me, as hard as you can. Hit me". instead of hitting him the jester replied with what gained him his place among the troupe. "Why would I just hit you, where is the theatrics. where is the fun, it needs something to make it interesting." The specter looked to the troupe master and said "He will make a fine jester" and so it was. The boy set to become a death jester that had no name. So he took what the specter said he would become, and so began The Jester. The young boy grew and preformed with the troupe, learning from the death jester that was currently traveling with them as a sort of mentor. As the boy grew older, he took on more responsibilty. Going from assisting with the general chores of the camp to helping backstage during preformances. When the boy came of age, he was approached by his mentor for the final time. The older jester told his apprentice he was leaving the troupe, he had grown too old to perform in the troupe. Before he left the troupe he told The Jester "I have taught you well, but you have learned twice as much from experience than you have from my own teachings. I am not angry, despite this fact. You have grown into a fine jester, just as the solitare said. It makes me proud to present this to you" *The Jester's mentor removed his mask, decorated with a split face design of curling golden roses, with drops of blood dripping off the flowers* "As is traditon" the old jester continued "In accordance with the words of the lauughing god. From mentor to student, I present your mask. Before i wore this mask, my mentor wore it and his mentor before him and each death jester to raised by the troupe since its founding. It is said that the laughing god himself once wore this mask. *in that moment, an unnatural chill ran up the collective spines of the troupe. All except The Jester, who had donned the mask*   "Who is it who has donned my mask?" A menacing voice spoke, as The Jester looked around he did not notice anyone at first. Then he looked forward.   Before The Jester stood a figure that many have only heard of in myth. The Laughing God. "Not many who have donned that mask have piqued my interest as well as you have nameless one." The Jester stood in awe for but a moment before dropping to a knee in front of his deity. "Rise nameless one, you are destined for great things. Acts of theatrics and carnage in my name. You will bear my mark and become my vassle. Rise, and claim your instrument" The Laughing God held something out, covered by a cloth. The cloth fell away revealing a shining shreiker cannon, embossed with the same curling gold vines that decorated his mask. To this day, none have been able to claim the golden rose from The Jester. Any who tried are found deceased and made a spectacle of in The Jester's style.   The Jester is not quite soulless like the specter of light but it seems he is more sadistic and theatrical than a traditional death jester. Preferring to kill with as much spectacle as he can rather than what is most effective. This lends well to on stage performances as he has plenty of emotion and spontaneous reactions to keep both the crowd and the other troop members on their toes when he is given the spotlight. On the battlefield he is a force to be feared. Bouncing across the battlefield leaving gore piles in his wake. Many have fallen to his shrieker cannon and many more will fall before he passes down the mask.


His shrieker cannon was granted to him by The Laughing God

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall, with a leaner build hiding his immense strength. The natural strength of the Eldar lends well to hiding his higher than average strength. He is fit and lives a generally healthy lifestyle. He has the characteristic long limbs of the Eldar, leading to his leaner build causing people to believe him weak at first glance.

Facial Features

His mask has a pattern of a curling golden rose. It starts with a golden vine curling from around the right eye with a blood rose dripping red down the side of the mask on the temple. The vine continues down until it stops at the bottom of the mask. Very few have ever been allowed to touch The Jester's mask but those who have been said it felt like they touched fresh blood even though they were sure the mask was painted and dry.

Identifying Characteristics

The Jester can be easily identified by his large stature, and powerful aura that sets him apart from his comrades. His unique mask and general separation from the rest of the troupe, absorbed in quiet silence, also sets him apart from the rest of the troupe.

Special abilities

The Jester is similar to other Eldar in capabilities except for his attributes far exceeding that of an average Eldar and even his fellow harlequins. His connection to The Laughing God and what it entails are still relatively unknown. This is due to the sheer rarity of the event and The Jester's own tight lippedness.

Specialized Equipment

His custom made shrieker cannon, which has been modified with a scythe blade near the barrel to allow for close combat as well as long range. It features the same golden rose vine and blood red flower as his mask.

Mental characteristics


Joined a harlequin troupe at the young age of 436

Personality Characteristics


The motivation of The Jester is widely debated. Many believe he follows the will of the laughing god himself. Others say he simply goes where the winds take him. When asked, The Jester responded with "Sometimes its not why, sometimes it just is" and left. He was gone the moment he stepped out of the door.
Divine Classification
Touched by Deity
A single dark blue eye shows through his mask
His hair is either tied back by leather cord or left hanging loose around his shoulders
The laughing god
Aligned Organization


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