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Comfort Spells

'Your words well harm me no more,
even though hard to ignore,
a fire within,
well let me begin again.

The rage inside,
well be my guide,
since the one I needed,
has receded.

Until I need it no more,
until I can ignore,
and stand on my own,
until the crone comes to take me home

Let this spell guide me home."

Basil's comfort spell

Every time Basil felt scared they would write, they would build worlds that they could get lost in. They started writing as young as six years old, they used characters from books they read. They would have the characters go through the most awful things and survive or even not survive. Whatever they needed at the time to get through the awful reality they had at home. As they grew older, they developed magical abilities and would write spells to help comfort them. They also would write down what herbs helped calm their nerves, what incense calmed them best. Basil's tradition continued as they formed a coven of witches who were outcasts and shunned from the communities and even families.Basil started a tradition of making a comfort spell that is unique to the person since everyone is different. Some spells for parents for comfort won't work for their kids.

Basil started a tradition of making a comfort spell that is unique to the person since everyone is different. Some spells for parents for comfort won't work for their kids. Basil encouraged people to work on one before something happened that they would desperately need it. They warned the students though that until they really needed it, they wouldn't know if it worked. They warnd the students as well until they believed in themselves as much as the spell itself, it wouldn't work either. The intention was one of the most important parts of the spell, without it there wouldn't be comfort.


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