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Mossley is a larger town but not a metropolis. A lot of endangered plants and mythical animals ingredients go in and out of Mossley along with animals themselves. This town has a practically booming black market that almost overtakes the non-legitmate businesses here. The forest sages have tried to shut it down but a lot of profit does flow back into the local economy so it doesn't last long due to a lot of townsfolk leaving. Some of the forest sages have started to just turn an eye or even help. This has caused Mossley to be on the radar of a lot of bounty hunters trying to make a quick buck on either a rare creature or turning in someone hiding in the town. It also attracts a lot of folks who are dangerous.
Local legend says that the town is going to be eaten by the outer ecoystems and the forest well turn on them that protects them if the black market keeps going. Over the past few hundred years, the outer town border has come closer and closer to towncenter. A lot of people do not believe this. Some fear that the wildlife won't survive if the ecosytem outside keeps changing as rapidly as others say. Some of the elders believe it has always been like this and people encroaching on the land of the wild animals and plants to make monetary gain is the fault for it turning on them. The elders had banned black market sales long ago but it has never stopped it from popping up again and again, a few elders are worried one or two of them is in connection with the black market.
The ecosystems with all its variations has made it so travelers have perished if not prepared to go from desert temperatures to below freezing and snow.

Major Power Players

The Forest Sages

The Forest Sages Article

The Serpent Council

article coming soon

Stores and Inns

coming soon



The Forest Sages Article



Mossley is known for the many ecosystems surrounding the town and inside its walls. There is a river flowing east to west through the town, it supplies a fresh water source for the animals and plants it supports. A lake is to the south, surrouned by different water ecosystems and somehow a little farther south is a lake that has a ocean ecosystem.


The town itself is located in a magic thicket that protects it from the townsfolk from the many shifting climates in The Eternity Forest itself. They seem to move around the town. The town was founded by a forest sage who had wandered across the thicket trying to find a safe place to sleep for their people. The forest sage had stayed in the thicket a couple days to make sure it was safe. Then within the next few months, the town had begun to be built. The thicket had kept growing over the years as people tended the land, the sages thought it was because they came to find a place to survive and thrive. They respected her forest and its beauty. Its why they think its shrinking due to the growing black market.
Inside the town has different areas that are created with magic by the forest sages for they can grow different plant species for the apocatherapy and potion shop's that keep the town fed. Various farm fields had spanned farther then most people could see, now most were small. It was becoming harder to keep people fed and various cafés stocked. Magical creatures started to wander in at one point, some were hurt and scared and they gave them a home. The Forest Sages were worried when many came in hurt and feared a monster but it never came. There are also various livestock for meat, milk and cheese The farms that supply food or alchemy ingredients that are harder to get. They treat the animals as humanely as possible and make sure they die without too much pain or any at all. A lot of these farms are targeted by people selling on the black market and leads to some animals dying cruely. The majority of the farmers stay out of the black market, even if it hurts their businesses. They would never want their animals or even their plants to be harmed or used wrongly.

Localized Phenomena

Outsiders claim the mountains move and some locals. If people ask the townsfolks, the majority just wave it off even after seeing it. A lot of visitors are uncomfortable with this and usually don't stay long cause there are few who don't just wave it off. The mountains have been encroaching on the towns boundraries faster and faster, scaring most people away. Some have stayed, even if not for the black market, and soon enough say it is nothing.
People have sworn up and down that the ecosystems sometimes shift and are different when they go back. Some say it is because of the illegal activity that happens with endangered species due to a lot of the people who partake going out and usually not coming back, the ones who do have claimed this and quit what they have been up to. The locals believe this myth more then the mountains moving. Others have gone in that haven't dealed in illegal trades and have claimed the same. No one knows why this happen but it does. This is also how the legend grew and grew that the town well one day vanish moreso then the moving mountains, that this town was once indeed a thriving metropolis that was engulfed by the ecosytem surrounding it.  


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