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The Forest Sages

The best of intentions sometimes turn into the worst solutions

The Forest Sages helped found Mossley they protect the forest and its inhabitants, plants and animals included. There are diffrent factionsand ranks within the sages to deal with various issues around the eternity forest and not just in Mossley.

The Forest Sages have been around before Mossley was founded, the majority of people don't think they are against violence but this couldn't be farther from a truth. It is a purposeful facade put up to hide the fact that they go into a morally grey area more often then not. Like most large and old orginizations, there is corruption. Some high rank sages, in almost all of the fafctions as well. There are sages who try and fight it from within with high up ranks themselves. Ever since the black market started thriving more in Mossley and other areas, the corruption has grown. The morally grey area from people trying to stop it and the corruption itself has almost become as bad as each other. Usually the protecting of the forest goes to more extremes then needed.

The Serpent Council, who most people think are the enemy are actually not, the only difference between the sages and the serpent coucil is the level of deciption. The Serpent Council doesn't hide their misdeeds or force when protecting people, they protect the forest too and it's inhabitants. It's not as black and white as people think. The Serpent Council uses less political hoop jumping and more to the point to get things done. They also have a large corruption issue. The Forest Sages have painted them as the bad guys, the ones who have made all the issues, the scape goat.

Special Forces


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