The Capitalist Trade Union Organization in The Etherium | World Anvil

The Capitalist Trade Union

Initially the "Dwarvic Trade Association" a subsection of the United Dwarven People's government, The D.T.A evolved into the C.T.U when trade was established with the other races of The Galvinluminary Confluence . Halflings , Vedalken joined in trade. Eventually the C.T.U expanded into every aspect of the combining political groups and became the singular supreme government of their Confluence . After the Events of The 2nd Interspherical War Orcs & Humans were added to the C.T.U's numbers.   The races of the Capitalist Trade Union(C.T.U) while appreciative of the Arcane Arts were not as naturals gifted with them. They found themselves more inclined to study the Natural Sciences, driven to seek the hows and whys of the Etherium. Driven to solve issues in a more mundane way lead to the creation of many fantastic wonders and technologies such as the discovery of Psionics, Black Powder, Artificial Aetheric Crystals and the creation of Nodelight Engines. A newer discovery has been the creation of autonomous artificial brings known as The Forged .


Democratic Republic with elected Senatorial representatives & President

Public Agenda

To Ensure The Profit of All


  • Aetherlight Technology
  • Artificial Aetheric Crystals


  • Dwarves : Sturdy and headstrong dwarves get stuff done. It doesn't matter if the objective has been completed before or if they are breaching into uncharted territory, if a dwarf thinks it needs doing eventually it will happen. It doesn't matter how many times you have to hit a rock to break it if in the end it breaks. This philosophical approach to life has guided the dwarves to overcome almost every obstacle that has been in their path. When the work got too dangerous, they built new bodies. When their noses got too populated they built ships to leave them. They found that every situation has a tool that best fits it, and that making friends or at least trade partners gets you more access to tools, even if the tools are those friends and partners. Dwarven culture is the cornerstone of the Capitalist Trade Union and continues to drive the engine that is their economy.
  • Halflings : Elves may have a greater variety of physiology but in terms of temperaments Halflings have them beat. You will never meet two Halflings with even remotely the same Personality. Big families with even bigger appetites have driven Halfling culture to expand and adapt in every environment be it physical, political or sociological. When you have up to twenty siblings, twice as many aunts/uncles, four times as many first, second and third cousins and countless other distant relations, you learn to make your mark. Halflings can be found just about everywhere in the C.T.U & the Free Spheres making a living in almost every trade and lifestyle.
  • The Forged : The first Forged were Dwarves who found themselves crippled from injuries sustained from mining in environments so extreme that any other race would have stopped long beforehand. Rather than give up and retire a method was developed by their brightest Artificers to allow these crippled individuals a new lease on life. The Soul and Memory imprint of a living being could be painstakingly transferred into an artificial vessel that would become the core of a construct resembling the form the being had previously inhabited. With one major difference, these constructed bodies were made from metal, stone and wood. Equipped with these far more resilient bodies the newly made Forged could return to their work without worry of sustaining injuries that word have previously left them crippled or dead. Soon enough races other than Dwarves began to undergo the process. A very, very expensive process. Demand was high and resources were low without additional funding. And so a compromise was made. Those who needed/wanted to undergo the Conversion but could not afford to were not turned away, instead they were given a new option. Indentured servitude. Why die or remain crippled when a meager 200 years of service was the cost and after that, who knows how long you could live in a practically immortal body. To keep costs down these Indentured Forged were given Base models with little to no distinguishing aspects with all of them roughly the same shape and size. In order to prevent “defaulting” on the service time indentured Forged had their memories sealed until the period of repayment was completed. Both the base forms and the memory sealing left the Indentured docile and obedient and led to the slang Blank Slate and “Blanks” or the more derogatory term “Echo Heads”. As such there is no such thing as a Forged culture because they conform to whatever culture they are currently working in. The wealthy retain their memories and as such continue the lives they had lived prior and those who finish their service time rarely have friends or family that have survived them. A great deal of classism based racism is directed at the “Blanks” while the Wealthy Forged, or as the lower class calls them “Silver Sprockets”, live lives of luxury. Very few Blanks survive to the end of their 200 years and those who have found that the return of their memories has some less than desirable side effects. These long lived Blanks are called “Graven” since they have their memories inscribed back into their minds however their questionable level of sanity has led to a twisting of the name, the “Craven”.
  • Vedalken : Vedalken have an unusual view of progress. They believe that nothing is perfect, nor can it ever be perfect – and they rejoice in this. Every imperfection is a chance for improvement, and progress is an endless march toward a state of perfection that can never actually be reached. Thus, pointing out imperfection is hardly an insult—which leads vedalken to note flaws and problems with an enthusiasm that members of other races sometimes find exasperating. This enthusiasm extends to every aspect of vedalken work, both practical and theoretical. They are curious and excitable, and often become deeply engrossed in their labors. It’s not uncommon for a vedalken to spend hours on end caught up in the details of an abstract question or a minute engineering problem. Vedalken can be utterly oblivious to their surroundings while meditating on thorny issues, and they are prone to launching into lengthy explanations of their current research, since most find that talking about a problem often leads to a solution. As a rule, vedalken are gregarious in conversation. However, they are quite circumspect concerning their personal lives, and they engage more with ideas than with people. They form close friendships based around mutual interests or compelling disagreements, and their interactions focus on their thoughts about those issues rather than their feelings about them. Emotional dynamics don’t particularly interest vedalken, either as a conversational topic or field of study. When they talk about their feelings, it is primarily to provide information that might be helpful to others. For example, a vedalken might tell her colleagues, “I’m feeling irritated right now, so I might not be reacting appropriately. Perhaps we should continue this later.” But any questions about the cause of irritation are likely to be brushed off as being irrelevant to the situation. Most vedalken care far more about invention and inquiry than about politics. They would rather unlock the hidden potential of aether-based devices than dwell on the question of how Aethertech should be distributed to the C.T.U’s citizens. For that reason, though vedalken are found both among the officials of the C.T.U’s and among renegade factions, their dedication to either cause often lacks the partisan fervor found in the members of other races.


Goliaths, Orcs & Humankind: After the Events of the Second Interspherical War the races that had composed the Iron Cohort, Goliaths, Humans & Orcs, were punished severely.

  • The Orcs , fueled by fear and rage eventually surrendered and were forcefully divided up as prisoners and slaves in both the C.T.U & FeyCol. The Dwarven leaders of the C.T.U saw the orcs as a new resource, free manual labor. And so they established their new prisoners on mostly barren spheres in penal colonies. There they would be forced into servitude doing hard labor, mostly digging for aether rich minerals and metals. Here Orcish culture survived and while still under the oppressive hand of the C.T.U, they flourish.
  • The Humans , ingenuitive and resourceful, quickly saw that they were in a loading war turned on their allies in the final days, surrendering themselves for punishment. They were given two choices, be returned to their home spheres banned from ever traveling the Etherium again, or enter into servitude in order to earn themselves a place among the Etherium. However the Vedalken and Dwarves saw how quickly humankind could adapt and that many of them were quick learners. So rather than waste the precious resource of talented minds, the C.T.U opted to educate their new charges rather than punish them.



  Ardet - A large orange Node with three Spheres - Central Spheres with Strong cultural mixing. No known sentient races have these Spheres as a Origin Point.
  • ( Decereron :Center of the C.T.U’s base of government. Full mix of climates and landscapes)
  • (Bakater: Flatlands with savannahs many large rivers)
  • (Erus: Metal & Mineral rich but otherwise barren)
  Gahladin- A medium pure white Node with two Spheres - Dwarvenkinds Origin Spheres
  • (Lohdar: Massive mountains surrounded by deep lakes)
  • (Hagh-Uluhm: Volcanic with scattered spires of stone)
  Rhodo - A larger deep red Node with three Spheres - Origin Spheres of the Halflings
  • (Trynorra: Highlands with mountains)
  • (Kelfnope: Tropical with many islands)
  • (Murn: Burnt desserts with deep canyons)
  Phium - A small vibrant orange Node with a single Sphere
  • (Lojjiem: Oceans with Volcanic Islands) Origin Sphere of the Velkeden


The C.T.U. Supreme Forces
  • C.T.U.S.F War Fleet
  • Artilirists
  • Forged Battalions
  • Aethermancists

Technological Level

  • Aethertech - The applied Aetheric Sciences that power and facilitate a grand array of tools, devices, transports, communications and weaponry.
  • The Forged - The process in which a Soul and Mind are transferred into a an Artificial Construct body known as a Forged.
  • Aethership Travel - Vessels capable of departing and reentering the atmospheres of Spheres.
  • Nodelight Engine - A new Advancement in Aethertech capable of far faster travel.

Foreign Relations

The C.T.U currently has a Peace Treaty with The Fayen Collective, The Free Spheres & The Darklight Alliance

Agriculture & Industry

  • Hydroponics & Animal Cloning
  • Constructs & The Assembly Line
  • Scientific Medicine
  • Artificery
  • Applied Psionics

Trade & Transport

  • Sympathetic Aetheric Radio
  • Aether & Nodelight Engines
  • Cargo A-Ships
  • Personal Transport A-Ships
  • C.T.U.S.F Fleet


Public - The Houses of Devotion   Private - U.T.C Trade Academy & U.T.C University


  • Public Transport - Aetherlight Rail
  • Personal Transport - A.L Skimmers & Carriages
  • Medicine - Artificery, The Forged Conversion, Aethertech Surgeons
  • InterSphere Aethership Ports - On Sphere
  • InterConfluence Aethership Station - Off Sphere
  • Public Sewage & Plumbing
  • Public Courthouses
  • Localized City/Town Halls

Opportunity Plus Instinct Equals Profit.

Founding Date
2615 P.S
Geopolitical, Republic
Alternative Names
Head of Government
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
  • Union Bond Notes(UBN)
  • - Localized
  • Universal Crystal Credits(UCC)
  • - Cross Confluence
Major Exports
  • Artificial Aetheric Crystals
  • The Forged Labor Force
  • Artificery
  • Local Flora & Fauna
Major Imports
  • Natural Aetheric Crystals
  • Exotic Flora & Fauna
  • Ironwood
  • Durimantium
Legislative Body
The Collective Peoples Senate
Judicial Body
Union Order Force & Prime Union Judiciary
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Notable Members

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