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The Eusebia Galaxy

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Eons ago, an ancient race, known now as "The Journeymen" took their first breaths on a humble planet, its name lost to the ages. These Journeymen were kept under the gaze of the Avnubir, a race of gods who had built their galaxy even longer ago. They called it Eusebia. The Avnubir tasked the Journeymen to set out and sail amongst the stars, to bring life to the blueprint of the gods. In waves, the Journeymen set out, utilizing their advanced technology, the first gift of the Avnubir, to foster life on planets and star systems. They built life on the planets as the gods breathed out nebulas and dark matter, taking up the space between the stars. Such travel by the Journeymen was made possible by the Rift, an indescribable region between space and nothingness, created by the Avnubir. Massive terraforming contraptions and Rift gates marked the passages of the Journeymen as they dutifully followed their task.
However, as time went on, the Avnubir grew distant.   The Journeymen had populated almost every corner of Eusebia, creating a galaxy teeming with young life. But in the absence of their gods, they lost their way. Feeling that they had labored hard to fulfill the Avnubir's wishes, the Journeymen called into the void, demanding more from the gods. When the Avnubir responded, the Journeymen demanded more gifts, some reward for their work. However, the Avnubir refused. They had watched from the Rift as the Journeymen had developed their society, they had observed as their pupils fell further from their graces, bickering with each other and cursing each other with the names of the gods. They no longer found the Journeymen worthy.   So when they met with the Journeymen in the Northeast sector of Eusebia, the Avnubir presented their subjects with their second gift. In mere moments, the Journeymen found themselves being pulled into the depths of the void, as a massive gravity well erupted in space. In a snap, three-quarters of the Journeymen had their lives extinguished, their souls devoured and spat out into the Rift. Those who survived fled, abandoning their posts at terraforming stations and Rift gates, making themselves scarce amongst the stars and planets they had given life to. The Avnubir fell back to the sidelines, no longer interfering with their creation, allowing the fledgling civilizations to grow and expand into the stars, just as the Journeymen had, many decades ago.