Orc Clans Organization in The Eventide Realms | World Anvil
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Orc Clans

Within the Orcish Capital of Xrukk Ord, there are 5 major boroughs, populated by the 5 major clans of Orcs. The city itself has just enough space to prevent direct and immediate conflict with one other over space and resources, which is likely for the best as the 5 Clans only ever seem to unify in the face of an external invader but are perfectly content to fight amongst themselves when it is otherwise peacetime.   The temperament of the 5 Clans can most easily be categorized by their opinion of the Reclamation, the ages-old process by which they regained their sanity.  
The Grimtusk Orcs on the Northern Borough hate that they were ever Reclaimed. Their belief is that there is no going back to their ancient forms, and now the rest of the world sees them as something to be laughed at or killed. At least when they were viewed as bloodthirsty monsters, people respected them. Although the Grimtusk technically inhabit the north end of the city, their numbers mostly live in huts and tents outside the city walls. Only the Chief and his chosen lieutenants live within the city itself. This is seen as a burden, not a privilege, as Grimtusk Orcs view the city wall as a self-imposed cage that the others have closed themselves in, more to make the other races feel safe than to grant themselves safety. Were it not for the city’s access to fresh water, it is uncertain whether any Grimtusk would reside within the city limits at all. Unfortunately for the rest of the region (and the public relations efforts of the Tome and Plow Orcs), Grimtusk Orcs often act as the ‘welcoming party’ to any approaching the city, due to their position in the most landlocked portion of the peninsula. If they ever got the chance to somehow go back to the old ways, they would take it.  
The Redfist Orcs of the Western Borough would have preferred not to be Reclaimed but are trying to make the best of it. Like the Grimtusk, they feel that Reclamation has reduced their strength, but seek to overcome this loss through military training. The most strategic and disciplined of the Five Clans, they look down on their savage Unclaimed and Grimtusk brethren in equal measure to their bookish/frivolous Tome and Plow and Blue King brethren but would defend any of them in a fight. Indeed, Redfist Orcs most often serve as city guards for the Capital, considering themselves the most capable of issuing a capable yet measured response to danger. Anyone who has done their research and seeks to hire Orcish mercenaries does their best to hire from among the Redfist. One of the last vestiges of their savage ways is their means of deciding a new clan chief. The new chief must kill the old chief in combat (poison and treachery don’t count. They must strike a killing blow). If one of the old chief’s sons attempt this, no one is to interfere, either to defend the chief or support his son. However, if an Orc attempts to take the seat of power who isn’t the chief’s son, anyone can support either side – including the full might of the Redfist army, which has been bred and trained to defend Chief and clan. Successions of this kind rarely succeed. If a chief dies of natural of treacherous causes, it becomes a free for all, as the last Orc to kill another Redfist automatically becomes chief, but with the new chief usually being quickly dispatched by another aspirant, who in turn is usually killed himself moments later. Redfist culture is also such that staying out of such a succession rite completely is seen as a weakness of character, putting one’s own life above that of the clan. They are aware of the cannibalistic nature of that belief, and all prefer not to be placed in that situation.  
The Kings of the Blue occupy the Eastern Borough and have no real opinion for or against Reclamation. Their concern is firmly on water, as they hold sway over the river that cuts through the city as well as the easiest channel to the ocean. They consider their command of freshwater sacred and see seafaring as the clearest path to Orcish advancement. The good among them travel the city with barrels of water to dispense to the other clans, as well as maintaining the water wheel for the Tome and Plow. The evil among them rapidly descended into piracy. Their borough and that of the Tome and Plow are directly adjacent and bleed into one another at points. Their variable nature and interest in technology make the Kings the favorite clan of their southern, Gnomish neighbors, who never turn down an opportunity to help the Orcs figure out a way to improve on their ships.  
The Orcs of the Tome and the Plow occupy the Southern Borough and love that they were Reclaimed. They see it as a gift to the world, and an opportunity to prove themselves as a productive member of the Free People. They delight in study and agriculture, choosing to be paid in books and farming implements as often as gold or jewels, when dealing with outside races. They provide most of the grown food for the Capital and are the least warlike. Although their Orcish disposition still makes true wizardry a supreme challenge for them, most Druids and scholars from within the Orcish population come from the Tome and the Plow. This love of trading and cultural exchange has made the Tome and Plow acutely aware of Orcs’ image amongst the rest of the world and will embark in philanthropic gestures (especially to the Gnomes) whenever possible. This is possible less often than they’d like, however, as venturing out much further than the Dwarf mountains or the new Gnomish capital usually requires the cooperation of the Blue King ship captains or Redfist soldiers, and they don’t like being paid in books.  
The Zealots of the Reclamation occupy the Central Borough and their name says all you need to know about their opinion on the Reclamation. They not only adore that they were Reclaimed, but they also feel an overwhelming shame over the actions of the Orcish people prior to reclamation and consider it a blemish on their species as a whole that any Unclaimed still exist in the wild. They represent most of the Orcs’ religious caste, and often send out missionaries to seek out Unclaimed Orcs, as well as spread the ‘good word’ about purging evil from oneself. Ironically, this crusader mentality actually renders them closest to Unclaimed Orcs, as they are the most likely to seek out groups to subjugate or kill. While they lack Grimtusk ferocity or Redfist discipline, their dogged tenacity and sense of righteous entitlement makes them frightening even to the other clans, as this sense of entitlement permits them to perform heinous acts in broad daylight to any who they consider an impediment to Reclamation. All the same, they feel more pity than malice towards the Grimtusk, seeing as they have been Reclaimed but fail to see the good in it. They often “offer” re-education services for any who fail to appreciate the gift they have been given. Most Orc Clerics and Warlocks are Zealots of the Reclamation. Their physical position in the center of the city along with their tendency to stick their nose in the business of the other 4 Clans has positioned them as the unofficial leaders of the Orcish people. It is dubious whether anyone (including the Zealots) is happy about this. To their credit, when dealing with anyone they feel does appreciate the gift of Reclamation, they are the most giving, kind-spirited Orcs you’ll meet.   While technically not a clan or occupants of the city, an ununified 6th group of Orcs exist. These Orcs did not undergo Reclamation and are thusly often called ‘Unclaimed.’ They still bear the mark of Vergong’s corruption, as well as much of the primal strength he gave them. They live in scattered camps, rarely gathering together in groups of more than 100, including women and children (which is not as meaningful of a distinction as it might be with other races, as the women and children are usually among their warriors). Feral to the point of being crazed, Unclaimed Orcs’ main goal is to raid and pillage enough to keep themselves sustained while they try to breed their numbers great enough that they can conquer the world. This is a fully self-defeating strategy, as it is this tendency to fight with other races that keeps their numbers so limited. It is almost unheard-of to see an adult Unclaimed female Orc who is not pregnant. For the majority of the pregnancy, this has no impact on her involvement in battle.
Geopolitical, Clan


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