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The Eventide Realms

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"The Gods piss on our plans. We've yet to divine whether it's for fun or because they are so unaware we exist and we just so happen to cross paths. Those who are wiser than I have tried and failed. I concern myself more with ruling and cleaning up the aftermath, for in that, I know I can at least exert some level of control." - The Dwarf Ruler Mavicus Zaya   It has been nearly five centuries since the Gods' War, but marks of the conflict are still present in the Realm today. From unique landmarks, to the various wells of magical knowledge and artifacts which are still discovered every generation... no one questions the Gods' War was real. However; time has led those who hold different ideals to draw different conclusions about both the outcome of the Gods' War and the lessons which it taught. As such, the Eventide Realm remains a land in constant conflict over knowledge, power, and even the very nature of how society should function.

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