Hailing from all around The Evergreen Realms, the tieflings of the world make their homes wherever they can, normally in secluded locations where they won't be bothered. While their appearance in the mainstream societies of the world is recent, the Teiflings claimed to have been in existence since the beginning of the Third Age. It is said that long ago an old human kingdom flaunted its wealth and soon thought themselves not only better than the gods but gods themselves. Their avarice soon caused the ground to rumble and rise up, for rivers of molten rock to pour over their kingdom and turn it to ash. These ancient humans are the common ancestors of all Tieflings. They were humbled by their curse and decided to exchange their former greed for law and the workings of upholding said law. Tieflings are by nature a race of bureaucrats, lawyers, judges and officers thanks to their strict and sometimes circuitous approach to tradition and ritual. They have managed to integrate well into these roles of the modern world and prefer to be behind the scenes, working diligently in a back office. As with any race however there are exceptions to the norm and some Tieflings take to the skies and explore the cultures and nation of the world.