Birth of Northern Mageocracies



Two hundred years after the fall of Dennattońe (Pale Facade), the people of the Caaṯhavilixe were finally free of the Ynellian's tyranny. As the Ynellian fled and the flames of rebellion cooled, many souls searched for solace in the chaos. Yes. A new light to cast away the dark. However, it would not be the revolutionaries who bring order to the north.


But those children and grandchildren sired amongst the turmoil.


It would be they who inherited the legacies of their ancestors. Kings sitting upon a Cerulean Throne.


R̂'Auzon Dhacuonur, "The City of Druids."

The Five Kings?

In the days of yore, it twas said that five Zaidixe Bhiellon(Priest Kings) reigned over the Caaṯhavilixe. The Fairy Branch of Ṯham Jhelṯhaspil, the Vine Shadow of Ehůaarávi on̂ke Zehen̗ye, the Night Thorn of Aisuimalquo, the Witch Sword of Aim Ṯhollay, and the Heavenly Moon of Oidyon̗zi On̗e Jesduns̗ieḅ. Ruthless artisans of war, shrewd hoarders of knowledge, but more so, faithful swords of the Fae.
  These lords were bound together not by the blueness of their blood. Nor the similarities in their ideologies. No. The regent rulers were Iyóhuin made Dhagómaari. Blessed knights of the Ľouma Mújn (sun child). Reborn evermore by the blood of the Ťhoľúm Io̊esud (Cerulean Throne).   Priest kings, given the right to rule, answered to none other than the Ľouma Múhn and her hDacónůrian lords. For a time, they held absolute authority, all power consolidated within their hands. However, as the Fae vanished and their Knight Kings fell into an endless slumber, the Timberlands withered in the fangs of the Crimson Throne.   And our history?   Lay in ruins, long forgotten.  


However, as the Twilight Revolutions ended and the reign of the Ashen Lords fell. Like a Sura Zaiḅeľúnn (sun eater) reborn. The Caaťhaḅilix, too, would be born anew. Many feared that, though, the brood of Asr̗on̗del lay eradicated. The Ynellian would avenge him.
  Surely?   Yet in time, many sorcerers of the Crimson Throne left the peninsula altogether. In those days of turmoil, many children were born. Munchkins. Pygmies. Daemons. Looking upon their wasted homeland, these young sorcerers would scour the ruins of their ancestors. There within, they found the old legacies of Ainaiphárc ongc Solix (Blackfield of Sorcerers). It twas said that the men and women who came out of these ruins would sire a new Cerulean Throne.   Theocratic magocracies.

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