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Eli'sphra Neliss

Character, PC

Eli'sphara Neliss was a Drow Lycan Blood Hunter who joined the Derleth Party after the Destruction of Illisavess so that she could work against Gwendolyn Venheim, who ordered the destruction of her home. During the battle against Gwendolyn, Eli'sphra transformed into a Drider and fled into the Underdark after the fighting was over.

Description (Drow Form)

Eli has rough ashen skin and unkept long bright grey hair that falls down into the small of her back. Her body is covered in scars and unnatural twists of skin, namely four oddly placed twists on her back where long spider legs emerge from when she enters Lycan form. She wears tattered grey robes and normally fights with a Double Bladed-Scimitar.  


Eli'sphra was born in the Drow city of Kerror, in the Derleth Underdark, in the year 125MR. She remained a willing devotee of Lolth and trained to be a Soldier in the city until the trails came. When Eli approached her sixth year and the trails of Lolth, she trained and excelled, but when it came to the Chwidridera - the test of the Drider, a sense of dread came over her and she fled into the endless tunnels of the Underdark, the laughter of Lolth stalking her.   As the curse of the Drider began to take hold, Eli'sphara was approached by Eilistraee who promised her protection from the curse and sanctuary in the City of Illisavess. In Illisavess Eli was able to rebuild her life and find herself more happy and content then she had ever been in Kerror, though the Curse of the Drider loomed as Eilistraee kept it at bay, allowing Eli to transform and give herself spider like features and six extra spider like limbs that protruded from her back.   During the Seige, and later Destruction of Illisavess in 209MR, Eli was tasked to protect the phylactery of a fallen Dracolich. To her knowledge, she was the only survivor. She joined up with the Derleth Party in an attempt to seek vengeance against Gwendolyn Venheim, who had ordered the attack on her home.   During the confrontation against Gwendolyn, Eli and the rest of the participants were shifted into a plane of pure agony and nightmare which broke Eli's willingness to rest the curse of the Drider, finally transforming her. In her new form and in a blood thirsty rage, Eli'sphra slayed Gwendolyn Venheim before fleeing into the Underdark in her new broken and monstrous body, hoping to find new purpose yet again.  




When Eli fled from Kerror and incurred the curse of the Drider, Eilistraee reached out to her and offered her security from the curse as a servant within Illisavess. When Gwendolyn Venheims army attacked Illisavess, Eilistraee had assigned Eli to protect the phylactery and when she was discovered by the Derleth party she discovered that her entire city had been wiped out or fled despite being promised protection by Eilistraee. Eli's faith began to wain and returned to worshipping Lolth when she finally succumbed to the curse of the Drider.

Gwendolyn Venheim

Having never been involved with the surface, Eli had never heard of the Venheims before Gwendolyn ordered the destruction of Illisavess in order to retrieve the Phylactery of her brother. Eli joined the Derleth Party specifically to seek vengence on the woman who had taken what had become her home. During the final confrontation with Gwendolyn, Eli was far more initially aggressive and sort to fight when Ophelia initially spoke to her. During the fight, Gwendolyn showed the party their nightmares which caused Eli to succumb to the curse of the Drider, and join Kthrexis in the underdark.


The only surviving lieutenant of Gwendolyn Venheim and head of a large society of Driders, Eli'sphra turned to Kthrexis when the Spider Queens curse mutilated and transformed her body and warped her mind. Once again a servant of Lolth and now under someone who played a part in the destruction of her home, what remains of Eli now serves as a blood thirsty warrior in Kthrexis' army.
Drow Test.png
Drow (125 - 209MR)
Drider (209MR - Present)   Sex
Female   Age
Mid-80's   Alignment
Lawful Evil (125 - 188MR)
Lawful Neutral (188 - 209MR)
Chaotic Evil (209MR - Present)   Class
Blood Hunter (Lycan)   Places
Kerror (125 - 188MR)
Illisavess (188 - 209MR)
Derleth Underdark (209MR - Present)
Guard (formerly)
Adventurer (formerly)
Eilistraee, The Moonweaver (188 - 209MR)
Lolth, The Spider Queen  (125 - 188MR, 209MR - Present)   Played by

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