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The Ethereal Plane is a volatile space of souls and energy intertwined. A entropic environment that when interfered with, provokes the birth of a manifestation of this chaotic space. An Etherborn.  

Entropic Beings

When the events of a lifetime are compressed down to almost nothing, each fleeting moment must be savoured. This is the philosophy that informs the lives and minds of the Etherborn. Given just a few short years, or sometimes only a few months to live before they deteriorate, each Etherborn views time as exceedingly precious. Each moment spent in a way that does not bring delight is a wasted moment. And though Etherborn differ in their drives and pleasures, nearly all of them share this desire to squeeze the most out of the brief time they are given.  


As a living by-product of the Ethereal Plane, they lack many of the biological qualities of other humanoid races. They don't eat or sleep, they don't reproduce nor have any physical sexual characteristics. Thus most Etherborn that living amongst others of their kind prefer the pronoun "they" to refer to them, though if exposed to a more common society they may choose to adopt a "he" or "she" pronoun.  


Little is truly known about the Etherborn other than their origin as Ethereal beings. Due to their short life span, historical records are lacking and they are extremely rare to come across. Their hedonistic lifestyle leads many to travel meaning it is rare to ever see a colony of Etherborn.   However, the nature of their existence leads to a higher density in areas of the Everplanes that strongly interact with the Ethereal Plane. Though necromancers are not able to reliably create them, like Zombies or Wights, this magic can lead to an increase of their birth. Other natural oddities in the fabric of the planes can increase their numbers as well such as Shadow Roads in the Shadowfell.  

Etherborn Traits

An Etherborn has the following traits.   Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2, and two other ability scores of your choice increase by 1.   Age. Etherborn come into being as adults and live no more than a few years.   Alignment. Etherborn are typically driven by hedonism and self-interest making them tend towards neutral and evil alignments.   Size. Etherborn are a similar size to humans ranging from 5 to 6 feet tall. They are quite light and their weight diminishes as they age. Your size is Medium.   Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.   Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of grey.   Born of the Ethereal. You have resistance to Necrotic damage.   Menacing. You gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill.   Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and two extra languages of your choice.   Vampiric Gift. For many Etherborn, living as they do for indulgence and instant gratification, the concepts of “want” and “need” are virtually synonymous. But Etherborn with this gift understand what it is to truly need, for they develop a hunger for life essence that far exceeds any desires they might have felt before their transformation. A gifted Etherborn who abstains from this feeding deteriorates even more rapidly than other Etherborn, while enduring unspeakable agony caused by the deprivation of life energy.   At the DM’s option, an Etherborn character can research methods of achieving this dark “gift.” The process is similar to inventing and manufacturing a rare magic item (see “Inventing and Manufacturing Devices” earlier in this document). The process requires a variety of rare unguents and unusual ingredients that make up the cost of researching and undergoing the transformation.   An Etherborn with this gift gains the Drain Life ability, which is a natural attack that uses Strength for its attack and damage rolls, dealing 1d6 necrotic damage and restores the same number of hit points to the Etherborn. However, if the Etherborn goes for 7 days without dealing this damage, their hit point maximum is reduced by 1d6 per week. This reduction can’t be removed until the Etherborn has used their Drain Life ability and completed a long rest.
Stat Increases
Charisma +2, Two other +1   Proficiencies Gained
Intimidation   Darkvision
Yes, 60ft.   Languages
Common and two other.   Author
WotC - adapted to the Everplanes by Mowse.

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