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Mystra, The Arcanum

Deity, Core Pantheon

Mystra is a greater deity, currently in her second incarnation as the deity of arcane magic. She is known and worshipped for being the goddess who has maintained The Weave after The Cataclysm brought an end to her first incarnation (see Mystra, The Weaver of Spells).  


Mystra was never known to make her presence known to her followers. However, tales from The Cataclysm describe a young peasant girl with dirty blond hair and brown eyes being the true form of Mystra. It was believed this was the daughter of the first incarnations. Other stories simply describe her as a blue-white will-o-wisp with a misty aura surrounding her.   Neither story is confirmed by sources after the decades that followed The Cataclysm.  


Mystra is most known for maintaining The Weave, a natural force of arcane magic within the Everplanes. Learning from the mistakes of the time before The Cataclysm, she has worked to regulate and limit the usage of it, almost entirely preventing the use of spells of 10th-level of higher.   Outside of this, she does nothing to adjudicate the ways in which her magic is used so long as it isn't destructive to the progression of arcane understanding. She will not punish evildoers, nor reward those who use her magic for good.    


The Cataclysm brought the end of the first incarnation of Mystra. The world only existed without magic for a short while, when they found a new presence who filled in that gap. The Weave under the control of The Arcanum was felt to be weaker than before.  


Those who worship Mystra dedicate themselves to preserving and furthering arcane lore so that magic will continue to flourish. Members of the church of Mystra will often seek out skilled mages to further this goal. Arcane schools are often formed around this central faith and ideal.   Although Mystra does not tend to involve herself too heavily, she does have a chosen known as the Magister. There is only ever one Magisters and there is never a time without one. This mortal gains certain powerful boons from The Arcanum. The identity of this individual is never revealed by Mystra, and the nature of any specific boon is also not known.  


  • Magic is Art. Love it for itself. Do not treat it just as a weapon to reshape the world to your will.
  • True wisdom is knowing when not to use magic. Strive to use magic less as your powers develop, for often the threat or promise of its use will outstrip its actual performance.
  • Use The Weave deftly and efficiently, not carelessly and recklessly. Seek always to learn and create new magic.
The Arcanum (currently)
The Weaver of Spells (formerly)   Entity Type
Deity   Pantheon
    Perceived Gender
Feminine   Alignment
Lawful Neutral   Domains
Arcana, Knowledge, Mind   Relationships
Ioun, The Knowing Mistress (ally, pre-cataclysm)
Shar, The Night Mistress (enemy)   Home Plane
Eronia, Elysium   Divine Realm

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