Anguizaer Character in The Everworld | World Anvil
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Dark Origin Anguizaer, derived from the word anguish.

Most powerful of all Antotimu Ralliers. He has special magic that allows him to create physical forces, this even includes invisible blades, extremely deadly and easily takes his enemies by surprise. He can talk as well, unlike all other Antotimu. His name as a human was Grauclein.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Just black bones, and that are damaged reveal a glowing purple inside to them. But this is also the reason he's so light when it somes to weight.

Identifying Characteristics

A hood, a horse, and a growth of sharp bone out his back.

Physical quirks

Sees only through one eye, can only move one arm.

Apparel & Accessories

A cloak with a hood to hide him fron onlookers in public, he gathers information often.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Wishes only to see his master's plans for the Neverworld come into life, for that was the purpose he was stolen for.

Personality Characteristics


Made to be a blind servant, and pleased to be such.
Circumstances of Birth
Was cloned off of Solomob Sylvan.
Purple, no eye whites.
96 lbs.
Quotes & Catchphrases
Not to serve is not to live.
Known Languages
Antotimu commands.

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