The Pelagian Fault Geographic Location in The Exalted Acres | World Anvil

The Pelagian Fault

The Region now known as The Pelagian Fault was once a melting pot of different cultures and Influences, neighboring the Pelagian Republic, Regency of Shezmu, and the Rakshan Federation. Ownership of the territory was contentious, as through a series of petty conflicts, land deals and trades, and little to no national governing body; the borders of these territories were under constant revision and contention.   Eventually the region united under their own banner, seceeding from its 3 parent nations, this budding nation was known as the Amalgam Territories.   Shortly after this the Regency of Shezmu and the Pelagian Republic declared war on the newly formed Amalgam Territories.   The war was short lived however, as after only 9 weeks of conflict a large section in the interior beamed with a blinding glow that engulfed the night skies and the fledgling nation. Where the flash happened left a large crater occupying about half of the region. The surrounding areas also were hit hard by the aftermath, with many casualties in the three neighboring nations. An optimistic figure estimates Amalgam Survivors total a few dozen.   The cause of the flash is unverified, but the most common theory is that it was a Pelagian Republic weapon or facility that backfired. All involved nations deny responsibility, stating they have nothing capable of causing the flash. As a result of the flash relations between the three nations became a mix of beligerant hostility and paranoia. In closed rooms all three blame the other two for causing the flash, but officially do not declare a culprit out of fear of another attack.   40 years after the flash, the region is an inhospitable wasteland mostly used by the Pelagian Republic for waste disposal and dangerous experimentation. There have been efforts to recolonize the Fault but due to a unforgiving climate, lack of consumable food and water, and particularly hostile and resiliant flora and fauna these expeditions end as quickly as they begin.


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