Jigow Settlement in The Exandrian Chronicles | World Anvil


13,210 (56% goblinkin, 31% ores, 13% other races).
Government: The assigned taskhand, Durth Mirimm, has a strained partnership with the two elder leaders of the goblin and ore clans.
Defense: Taskhand Mirimm's small platoon of Aurora Watch soldiers bolsters the sizable ranks of the local warriors.
Commerce: Most basic goods and services can be found here, though their quality reflects their rough and rural origins. Hostels and lodges offer rooms and provisions for travelers.
Organizations: A central temple to the Luxon presides over a district called the Jumble. Each clan maintains their own network of artisans and merchants.
A tenuous alliance of goblin clans and territorial orc clans once scavenged along the northern shores of Xhorhas, warring and competing for survival. Over the past century, the Kryn Dynasty has worked to bring the two roving factions together. The negotiations were long and arduous, but the Kryn Dynasty's introduction of the faith of the Luxon ultimately helped the clans to form a unified society. From these talks, the coastal city of Jig ow rose to become an important source of seafood within the dynasty. A booming fishing society that spreads over both the banks of the Emerald Gulch Sea and the northern Ifolon River, this community of powerful hunters, cunning fishers, and tireless crafters has become a valuable symbol of the dynasty's growth and influence.
  Always At Odds
Despite the peace between the peoples of Jigow, their long-standing rivalries require other outlets wherein they can express their need to conquer and gloat, which is why Jigow celebrates competition in any form. Whether the rivalry of the day is a contest between hunting parties, a cooking competition, or just children playing sporting games, the people of Jigow love turning amicable rivalries into a loud and colorful spectacle - especially when they can make bets or help their chosen side cheat to achieve victory.   A Stubborn Culture
The beliefs and superstitions of the original Gakthash, Uvuroh, and Zetek goblin clans permeate Jigow's goblin society. Similarly, the honorable traditions of the Norgab and Shoomat ores continue to guide their people. While some have adopted the beliefs of the Kryn, many resist the teachings of the drow, as they feel that the presence of drow is suffocating their own culture. The mounting tensions between the dynasty and the people of Jigow are only further exacerbated by the worry that the dynasty's war will spill into Jigow territory.


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