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Cara Banks

Cara Angela Banks (a.k.a. Cara)

Cara Banks was the Arwish robotic engineer, an employee at the Candella Corp.. She was one of the most respected in the workplace and considered the talents. The only thing she failed to achieve was living past forty.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

She was born in Maritime Union, the country from the other side of the world. She spend her childhood there before moving out to Sungear Republic. By the time she grow up she was majored in the robotic engineering. Her parents were the middleclass working in the downtown Sungear, who always supported her.


She employed at Candella Research Complex, the branch of Candella Corp. She assisted several project in her career, earned enough to make the family proud, but never had a single time thinking about making her own.

This was until she was assigned to one of the company's recent projects, Synth. Thare, she met Mr.B, the neuronscientist. She had to help him creating the artificial brain from his researchs to control the body, which required a tonnes of testing. They enjoyed together when the test success, and sad when it fail. The longer they worked togetherm the body she made and the soul he created intertwined, therefore combined into a humanoid with lifelike and passion, as if they were giving birth. The project went very well, and so their relationship.


Contacts & Relations

They went on dates occasionally, with the often plan like watching movies in Verdin Cinema and shopping at Novem-Pine Market.

A relationship cannot be long without the arguement that solved. However, there was once it was so tense to the point they threw stuffs at each other and she drove away, was supposed to be one of these arguements. The temperoly departure could heal the temper and thus strenghen their love life, but that's not the case, sadly, as a high-speed car appoached, killing her in an instant.


The company chose to pay her family a reparation of 2 years salaries, but it wasn't enough to cover the loss they actually got, and Mr.B, the closest friend, suffered more than that. He left from the rest of the world for years after the funeral.

He searched for the meaning of life. How did he do to overcome the lost when they'd work together for so long he couldn't forget? The only reminding of them he knew was the dull but memorable dates, their personal belonging, and the Synth prototype they were putting heart into, compacted with their enjoyment of trials and errors.   With the last one he thought, a strange idea came up...
Plot II
Circumstances of Death
Traffic accident
Arcwood, Maritime Union
Place of Death
Buried at the cemetery near the Oracle Hill.
Slight Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
168 cm
60 kg

Character Portrait image: Cara by Artbreeder


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