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Half-sized Half-breed

The Goblish are an interesting race, a result of Goblin heritage from one of their parents. There's numerous known half-goblins, ranging from half-elf, half-dwarf, half-orc, and even occasionally half-dragon. One born as a Goblish tend to favor goblins more than their other mixed heritage, but still very much favor both races. They tend to be shorter, stockier folk, though otherwise vary greatly based upon their mixed race. A half-goblin half-elf for example, still has the soft facial features of an Elf, the pointed ears, the fair hair, but will be noticeably shorter and more thickset. When creating a Goblish character, work with your dungeon master to determine what race you are mixed with, and what discerning features will come from the parents.  

Goblish Traits

One that chooses to play a Goblish, will have these traits by default.
  • Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity is increased by 2, and another ability score of your choice is increased by 1.
  • Languages. Your character can speak Common, and one other language that you and your Dungeon Master deem appropriate.
  • Size. Your character is either Small or Medium.
  • Darkvision. Your character can see in total darkness as if it were dim-light, and dim-light as if it were bright.
  • Nimble Escape. When you take the Disengage action, you can move an additional distance of up to half of your speed.
  • Sly Tongue. The Goblish have a natural way with words thanks to their mischevious heritage. You gain proficiency with the Deception skill. When you roll a 1 on a Deception check, you may reroll your dice, and must use the new roll.
  • Dirty Fighter. When a Goblish hits a creature with a melee attack, it can use its bonus action to distract or disorient the target, causing it to have disadvantage on its next attack roll or ability check before the end of the Goblish's next turn. Once a Goblish uses this feature, it can't use it again until it finishes a short or long rest.

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