TEV Combat

TEVs and Initiative

A TEV rolls initiative using its Dexterity, and it uses its crew’s quality score as a modifier to that roll. On a TEV’s turn, the captain decides which of the TEV’s actions to use.  

Special Officer Actions

During an encounter, an officer has access to the special action options described below:

Full Speed Ahead

As an action, an officer within 5 foot of the helm can exhort the crew to work harder and drive a TEV forward. Roll a d6 and multiply the result by 5. Apply the total as a bonus to the TEV’s speed until the end of the TEV’s next turn. If this bonus is applied to a TEV’s speed when the TEV is already moving faster than normal, use the higher result. Don’t add the two bonuses together.

Fire at Will

As an action, an officer within 5 foot of a weapon or weapons station aids the crew in aiming one of the TEV’s weapons. select one of the TEV’s weapons that is within 10 feet of the officer. It gains advantage on the next attack roll it makes before the end of the TEV’s next turn.  

Givin' 'er All She's Got

As an action while in Engineering, an officer can tinker with the engines to grant one of the following: -Add your proficiency bonus to the next Piloting check -Add your proficiency bonus to a Weapons Systems damage roll -Boost the Shields by 1d10 plus your proficiency bonus  

Transfer Shields

As an action, an officer in Engineering can transfer up to 20hp of shields from one location to another.  


If a TEV moves into the space occupied by a creature or object, it might crash. A TEV avoids crashing if the creature or object is at least two sizes smaller than it. When a TEV crashes, it must immediately make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it takes damage to its hull based on the size of the creature or object it crashed into, as shown on the Crash Damage table. It also stops moving if the object or creature is bigger than it or one size smaller. Otherwise the TEV continues moving and the creature or object moves to the nearest unoccupied space that is not in the TEV’s path. At the DM’s discretion, an object that is forced to move but is fixed in place is instead destroyed. Crash Damage                              
Small 1d6
Medium 1d10
Large 4d10
Huge 8d10
Gargantuan 16d10
A creature struck must make a Dexterity saving throw with a DC equal to 10 + the TEV’s Strength modifier, taking damage based on the TEV’s size (as shown on the Crash Damage table) on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.