TEVs in Downtime

By hiring a competent captain and crew and putting them to work hauling cargo or otherwise offering their services, you can make it possible for a TEV to remain in good repair and even generate a profit for you between adventures.Managing a TEV is a downtime activity that requires time and effort to recruit an officer and crew. The TEV is available for use when needed. Otherwise, the TEV hauls passengers and cargo to cover the costs of maintaining the TEV and paying the crew.


It takes one week to recruit a crew and 100 + 4d600¤ to cover the costs of recruitment and supplies. Once you have paid these costs, you have a captain and a crew to maintain the TEV.


Once you have a working TEV, it turns a small profit each month. At the end of every four weeks, you earn 5d2000¤.


A TEV owner runs the risk of foul weather, a bad trade deal, or a mutiny. When rolling to determine your profit, if any of the d20 rolls are a 1, roll on the TEV Owner Complications table (or the DM may create a suitable complication). TEV Owner Complications
d6 Complications
1 Your crew makes a bad bargain. You see no profit this month.
2 Your TEV and crew have been pressed into military service to hunt pirates for 1d4 months.
3 A temple related to the Expanse or trade has accused your crew of disrespecting the gods, and no one will do business with your TEV and crew. You lose 5d2000¤ per month for 1d6 months or until the temple is mollified.
4 Your TEV and crew go missing and must be rescued from their captors.
5 Your crew mutinies and is on the run from you.
6 Your crew is caught smuggling illegal goods. They are imprisoned, and your TEV impounded