TEVs Travelling the Expanse

Activity While Traveling

The activities available to a TEV’s crew and passengers are a bit different from the options available to a group traveling by land. Refer to “Activity While Traveling” in chapter 8 of the Player’s Handbook for more information on some of the topics discussed below. A number of activities are restricted to certain officers, unless the DM rules otherwise. For example, a bard might be allowed to engage in the raise morale activity by playing bawdy songs on deck to lift the crew’s spirits. The party’s pace has no effect on the activities they can engage in while traveling by TEV.

Draw a Map (Captain)

A TEV’s captain often undertakes this activity, producing a map that records the TEV’s progress and helps the crew get back on course if they get lost. No ability check is required.

Heal Wounded (Medic)

The medic can try to heal any crew wounds from combat or day-to-day onboard activities. Once per day, if the crew’s quality score is 3 or lower, the Medic can make a DC 15 Intelligence (Medicine) check. On a successful check, the crew’s quality score increases by 1.

Navigate (Navigator)

The navigator can try to prevent the group from becoming lost, making a Wisdom (Survival) check when the DM calls for it. (See “Becoming Lost” in chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide for more information.)

Noticing Threats

Use the passive Wisdom (Perception) score of the characters or the crew to determine whether anyone on the TEV notices a hidden threat. The crew has a passive Wisdom (Perception) score equal to 10 + the crew’s quality score. The DM might decide that a threat can be noticed only by characters in a specific area of the TEV. For example, only characters below deck might have a chance to hear or spot a creature hiding on board.

Raise Morale (Cook)

The cook can manage the crew’s time to grant extended breaks, provide instruction, and improve morale. Once per day, if the crew’s quality score is 3 or lower, the cook can make a DC 15 Constitution (cooks utensils) check. On a successful check, the crew’s quality score increases by 1.

Repair (Engineer)

The TEV’s engineer can undertake this activity. At the end of the day, the engineer can make a Strength check using carpenter’s tools. On a 15 or higher, each damaged component regains hit points equal to 1d6 + the crew’s quality score (minimum of 1 hit point). A component other than the hull that had 0 hit points becomes functional again.

Stealth (Pilot)

The TEV’s pilot can engage in this activity only if the weather conditions restrict visibility, such as in heavy fog, or if the TEV has a stealth module. The TEV makes a Dexterity check with a bonus equal to the crew’s quality score to determine if it can hide.